- BL - Ancient of Lore 知识古树
- Cologne is the most ancient of Germany's large cities. 科隆是德国历史最悠久的大城市。
- But Elves live long enough that even their poorest families must eventually accumulate a great deal of lore. 但精灵的长命能使他们即使是最贫穷家庭最终也可以积累到足够的多学识。
- MAESTER: These "knights of the mind" are masters of as many types of lore as are known in the world. 学士:这些“思想上的骑士”是了解世界上已知的各种知识的大师。
- Elrond is said to have been made a master of lore when he chose to be of Elven-kind. 据说,埃尔隆是在他选择成为精灵的时候而成为一名知识的掌有者。
- Of these, the most ancient of our existing building Nanzenji wooden structure. 其中,以我国现存最古的木构建筑南禅寺。
- Legacy of the Aspects is an in-game book concerning the Dragon Aspects and is used in the quest Test of Lore. 巨龙遗产是一本游戏内的书关于巨龙种族和用于知识试炼任务的.
- My inn had once been a part of an ancient ecclesiastical house. 我的客栈曾经是一个古老教会的房子的一部分。
- His name was Mogget, and there was speculation about him in certain books of lore. 它名叫莫格,关于它在特定的知识书籍上有些推测。
- The knowledge of flight is among the most ancient of our inheritances. 飞行的知识在我们的大多数古代遗产之中。
- But as he struts and sashays across the stage he's hardly the hobbling, pathetic figure of lore. 而当他昂首挺胸漫步在舞台上,几乎看不出步履艰难及传说中的可怜相。
- Codex: A cache of lore and secrets recorded by a krewe and used by another to access supernatural benefits. 秘典:由通灵会所记录下的知识与秘密的储藏容器,旁人使用它能得到超自然的助益。
- MAESTER: These “knights of the mind” are masters of as many types of lore as are known in the world. 学士:这些“思想上的骑士”是了解世界上已知的各种知识的大师。
- The fortress was the nucleus of the ancient city. 这城堡是这座古城的中心。
- In-Game Book Legacy of the Aspects is an in-game book concerning the Dragon Aspects and is used in the quest Test of Lore. 巨龙遗产是一本游戏内的书关于巨龙种族和用于知识试炼任务的。
- This set of ancient china is invaluable. 这套古瓷器非常珍贵。
- The strain between the folkloric and the museological is another, and it finds interesting interaction in Tapaya's dioramas of lore. 在塔帕雅的作品“口头传说的立体模型”中却能发现它们之间有趣的相互关系。
- But yeah. The whereabouts of the scythe are currently unknown, and its a great bit of lore that could fit directly into the reappearance of Arugal. 如大家所知,镰刀下落不明,而这个时候阿鲁高又神秘复出,不得不让人有所猜测。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。