- BBDC Before Bottom Dead Center 在下止点前
- Before Bottom Dead Center 下死点前
- The stroke is the distance the piston travels from BDC (Bottom dead center) to TDC(top dead center). 行程是活塞从下止点运行到上止点的距离。
- The stroke is the distance the piston travels from BDC (Bottom dead center ) to TDC(top dead center ). 行程是活塞从下止点运行到上止点的距离。
- Upper limit of the piston movement is called as TDC (top dead center), and its lower limit is called as BDC (bottom dead center). 活塞运动的上限称为TDC(上止点),下限称为BDC(下止点)。
- The Bore is the diameter of the cylinder. The stroke is the distance the piston travels from BDC (Bottom dead center ) to TDC(top dead center). The Bore is always mentioned first. 内径指的是气缸的直径;行程是活塞从下止点运行到上止点的距离。表述时,内径总是写在前面。
- The dead center, being a stationary bearing point, must be lubricated. 由于是固定的支承点,死顶尖必须润滑。
- bottom dead center 下止点,下死点
- bofore bottom dead center 下止点前
- The arrow hit the target dead center. 那支箭正中靶心。
- after bottom dead center 下止点后
- Beginner class: 80RMB/1 class, 800RMB/3 months, Special Price:500RMB/3 months for Season Crad before Bottom of Sep.(25 classes at most! 初级班:80元/堂课,季卡800元/季度,9月底前季卡特惠价:500元/季度(共可上课至多25次喔!
- BDC - Bottom dead center. The bottom-most position of the engine piston stroke. 下止点。引擎活塞在燃烧推动下到达的最低位置。
- The trailing edge of the fourth notch, which causes the pulse, is four degrees before top dead center (TDC) of the corresponding piston. 产生的脉冲的第四凹槽的后缘,位于相应的活塞在前上死点(TDC)4度的位置的位置上。
- The spark is therefore timed to occur before the piston reaches top dead center, otherwise maximum pressure would not be reached in time. 因而,在活塞到达上死点前,火花便会发生,否则就不可能适时达到最高的压力。
- The dead center,being a stationary bearing point,must be lubricated. 由于是固定的支承点,死顶尖必须润滑。
- Yet monarchs of old always dined dead center and many time in public. 然而,古代的帝王经常是公然地坐在正当中进餐。
- However MOZAT estimates, before bottoming out in the stock market will have a downlink emerging market. 但是摩通估计,在股市见底之前,还会有一轮下行行情出现。
- Two TDC (Top Dead Center) sensors are mounted at the rear of the single camshaft. 两个上死点的传感器安装在凸轮轴的后面。
- Since last year, home prices have dropped 20 percent, believe that by the year 2010 before bottoming out, prices should drop a further 10-15 percent. 豪宅售价由去年至今已回落20%25,相信到2010年才见底,售价应可再跌10%25至15%25。