- Trading was brisk on the Stock Exchangetoday. 今日证券交易所交投活跃。
- Trading in commodities was brisk. 商品交易兴旺。
- He was brisk in manner and impatient. 他的行动举止生气勃勃,可没有耐性。
- Traffic in stolen goods was brisk. 交易赃物是危险的。
- If A said one thing, B was sure to say another. 如果 a 说一件事,B 一定说另一件事((无论 a 说什么,B 一定反对))。
- Abroad, he was brisk and lively, and eager and impassioned enough. 在外边,他朝气蓬勃,生龙活虎,也相当起劲,相当热情。
- They were short of hands when Business was Brisk. 当生意兴隆时,他们缺少人手。
- Abroad, he was brisk and lively , and eager and impassioned enough. 在外边,他朝气蓬勃,生龙活虎,也相当起劲,相当热情。
- Both purchasing and marketing are brisk. 购销两旺
- Results The analgesia effects of group B was satis... 结论异丙酚复合瑞芬太尼用于人工流产优于单纯异丙酚麻醉。
- His movements were brisk and boyish. 他的动作仍很敏捷,孩子气。
- Business has been brisk since his new shop opened. 他的新店开张后,一直是生意昌隆。
- Compatibility will require that the girder deflection at B be zero. 根据协调性的要求,梁在B点的挠度应为零。
- Business was brisk at the beginning of the year, but now it is slack. 年初生意还兴隆,没想到现在竟萧条了。
- A and B are going to play off for the victory. a队与B队将要一决胜负。
- Sales of industrial products continued to be brisk, with sales ratio of 95.92%. 工业品市场销售继续看好,产销率达95.;92%25。
- BCPL and B are "typeless" languages. BCPL和B语言都是“无类型”的语言。
- This week, apparently undented by the gay-pride kerfuffle, business was brisk. 本周很明显因为受到同性恋自豪感膨胀的影响,生意愈发兴隆了。
- In a foursome event, A and B are partners. 问:在四人二球赛上,A和B是同组球员。
- Team A and Team B are amalgamated into one. A队同B队合为一个队.