- Axial Period time 轴心期
- This period time is average 1-2 day. 此期时间一般1-2天。
- A camp is an area in the wildness, usually set up by human to stay for an evening or an extended period time. 露营帐篷通常是人们在野外建立的以便过夜或者度过一段很长的时间的区域.
- During the period time of International trade, She often did a emcee and folk singer, English singer. 在此期间常进行各种商业演出(以民歌、文歌为主)、庆、日庆主持等。
- The necessary measurement work in each period time of land reclaimation and its functions are expounded. 阐述了土地复垦中各时期所需进行的测量工作以及所起的作用。
- In 20-30s of this century, In the face of aggression, Nankinggovernment ever assumed to depend on northwest for a long period time backside base. 20世纪30年代,面对日本帝国主义的入侵和西北的边疆危机,南京政府曾设想依靠西北为长期抗日的后方根据地,并进而带动西北的经济开发。
- It is mainly used for degassing the prepared juice under vacuum condition and prevent the juice from being oxidized and then to prolong the storing period time of the juice. 主要用于调配后的果汁在真空状态下脱气(氧气),从而达到防止果汁氧化,延长果汁储存期的目的。
- I hold her fine waist which is as not full of the rough held and bow to look her pretty face that is upward a little and has forgotten muddily at that period time. 搂着小姐不盈一握的细腰;另一手紧握她滑柔的纤手;低头刚好望到她微仰的俏脸;一时间浑忘了一切.
- The investment estimation is the most unshaped one as well as the most influential one among all the evaluations during the long period time of construction project. 在建设工程项目生命周期的多次计价中,投资估算是最粗略的,但却是对整个项目影响最大的。
- JT is training with the group and that is a big step forward, so if he is playing in a short period time, it will not be a surprise,' Mourinho told Chelsea TV after training on Friday. “jt已经开始和球队一起训练,这是个大进步,所以如果他很快就能上场,这一点也不奇怪,”穆帅在周五的训练完毕后告诉切尔西电视台。
- Then, by modeling the actuarial models, this paper estimates the implicit pension debt &the replacement rate &the period time about the individual account under Chinese basic old-age pension system. 接着根据我国基本养老保险的政策规定,运用精算技术,通过建立精算模型测算了我国基本养老保险隐性负债、目标替代率、个人账产领取年限,并初步构建了我国基本养老保险基金年度收支预测模型。
- The Mythological Sources of Chinese Philosophy in Pre - axial Period 中国哲学前轴心期之神话渊源
- Analyzing and Understanding Kari Jasper's Concept about Axial Period 解读雅斯贝斯的轴心时代
- Can you tell me the time period when it was stolen? 能不能告诉我大概什么时候被偷的?
- A condition, time, or period of flowering. 花期一种开花的状态、一段开花的时间或时期
- Results indicated that the increasing of dust removal periodic time lead to higher dust removal efficiency, larger pressure drop and bigger pressure fluctuation. 实验证明,随着清灰周期的增大,颗粒层除尘效率提高,同时压力损失和压力波动幅度也随之增大。
- Baiquan garden, the biggest old garden building in Henan Province, occupies an important place in the history of the garden building in the central-China for a long period times. 百泉园林是河南省最大的古园林建筑群,长期以来在中原的园林建筑史上占有重要的地位。
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。
- Let us hope that the period of this injustice will be over soon. 让我们希望这个不公正的时期很快结束吧。
- In a short period of time he grew into a great communist fighter. 在很短时期中,他成长为一名伟大的共产产义战士。