- Axel Nordlander 诺德兰德
- He shared one conception with Axel Jordache. 有一点他跟阿克塞尔·乔达虚看法一致。
- "So what's the fuss?" Axel said. “那有什么好罗嗦的?”阿克塞尔说。
- Remember what my daddy did for Axel? |记得我爸是怎么帮埃克斯的么?
- Nordland's experiment didn't come up to our expectations. 诺德兰教授的实验结果与我们的期望不相符合。
- The axel's end notch means you can even balance it on a string. 转轴尾端的凹痕使它可在绳子上平衡。
- The result of Prof. Nordland's experiment didn't come up to our expectations. 诺德兰教授的实验结果与我们的期望不相符合。
- Sprocket: round, toothed object that turns on an axel. 链轮:圆形,齿对象,轮流对一阿克塞尔。
- Book online the cheapest hotels in Nordland - low prices and high discounts. 网上预定在 Nordland 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。
- The use of axel and axelautomirror are not recommended at this time. 目前不推荐使用axelmirror。
- His other Axel was flawed, too, when he touched a hand to the ice for balance. 他的另一个3A也是有瑕疵,因为他落冰的时候单手扶冰来保持平衡了。
- Research of GM X22 auto derailleur output axel and Initiative Gears. GM X22自动变速器输出轴、主传动齿轮过程开发。
- You will find more information about Axel Springer AG on the internet at. 欲知到更多的资讯,请登陆我们的网站。
- One night, Paul drags Axel from New York to Arizona to attend Leo's wedding. 一晚,保罗强行把艾索扯到亚利桑那小镇参加里奥的婚礼。
- A massive horde of Marauders has swarmed into Nordland under the banner of Tchar'zanek, a Champion of the Dark Gods. 需要特别提到的是一个称为“非族”的部落,他们的领袖就是[[希格玛]]。他是一名伟大的勇士和领袖,正义而公正。
- The surviving foreign volunteers of the Nordland Division soon retreated into the Zitadelle sector and fell under Mohnke's command. “诺德兰”师幸存的外籍志愿者撤退到齐塔德尔防区接受蒙克的指挥。
- Its core unit was the Nordland Regiment, which was composed of Western European volunteers that had formerly been attached to the Wiking Division. 它的核心骨干是“北欧”团,主要是原来“维京”师的西欧志愿者组成。
- Rudolph played club dates at dances and Axel had advanced him the money for a tuxedo, thirty-five dollars, an unheard-of outpouring. 鲁道夫在俱乐部举办舞会的日子参加演奏,阿克赛尔给他一笔钱做夜礼服一共三十五元,象这样慷慨解囊是从来不曾听说过的。
- The recruits from the Low Countries were formed into the Westland Regiment, while the Scandinavians were assigned to the Nordland Regiment. 从低地国家招募的士兵组建了“西欧”团,斯堪的那维亚人组建了“北欧”团。
- Adlercreutz,_ Axel Svensk m? stare i scenmagi2004. Inneh? ller information om hans bakgrund, meriter och kontaktuppgifter. 中国邮政由中华人民共和国国家邮政局提供的邮政信息服务。包括服务资料和有关信息。