- Avoid blank slates. 避免空白的状态。
- While they were with Dennis, they had to be tabulae rasae - blank slates. 他们跟丹尼斯学习的时候--大脑必须是空白的。
- Nobody likes starting with a blank slate when trying to do something new. 在尝试一件新事情时,没有人希望从一无所知的状态开始。
- Constructing a whole newspaper from a blank slate would be an unpleasant task for all but the closet journalists among us. 对于我们这些几乎不懂新闻的人来说,在白板的基础上创建一份完整的报纸不是一个令人愉快的任务。
- Blank slates intimidate most people, and users shouldn’t have to deal with one if they don’t want to. A gallery of basic designs is a fine solution. 如果用户不想要模板,那么就不必那样做,提供基本设计库是个很好的解决方法。
- Today, MRM will begin a blank slate!Let us all hope that MRM will have a successful future! 从今天开始,江苏开德将揭开崭新的一页,让我们共同期待江苏开德的明天更加灿烂!
- Hume thought the mind a blank slate (tabula rasa) on which experience could be written. 休姆说思想就是白板,经验是可以写上去的。
- Steven Pinker, The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature, New York: Penguin Books, 2002. 本站所收集的文章版权归原作者和刊物所有,如果涉及版权问题,请联系我们。
- For most people, a completely blank slate is a difficult starting point. It’s so much easier to begin where someone has already left off. 对大多数人来说,完全空白的状态不是一个好的起点,更简单的是从人们上次离开时的状态开始。
- In a way, we need to unlearn some of the things we've taught ourselves so that we end up with a tabula rasa (that's lawyer-speak for “blank slate”). 在某种程度上,我们需要忘却一些自学到的东西,对于葡萄酒要成为一块白板。
- Remember, as you walk in you're social status is a BLANK SLATE and you want to be immediately shaping a good first impression. 记住,你进来前别人对你的评价是一块空白的石板,你需要马上刻画出优秀的第一印象。
- As befits an inert object of obsession, the cheese has become a blank slate upon which admirers can express their passions and idiosyncrasies. 与其他静止不动的迷人玩意儿一样,这块乳酪似乎化为一块白板,让仰慕者在上面抒发喜好,展现习癖。
- And that milestone in turn inspired researchers to think about directing these cellular blank slates to eventually replace cells that had been damaged or were depleted by disease. 这个里程碑激励了研究者探索这些细胞怎样最终取代因疾病而被破坏或被损耗的细胞。
- New research announced Monday found that when human stem cells _ the blank slate of the cell world _ were exposed to a common virus they turned into fat cells. 星期一公布的最新研究发现,当人类干细胞(细胞世界的开端)暴露在一个普通病毒下,它们就会转化成脂肪细胞。
- It seeks to explain the structure and function of human mind with the view of Genetics and oppose the view hold by empiricists that human mind resembles a blank slate. 以遗传学的观点解释心理的构造和意识的机能,反对经验主义的“白板”论观点。从积极的方面来说,进化心理学为心灵的研究开辟了新的视角,扩展了心理学的研究领域。
- She cast her eyes down to avoid direct eye contact. 她垂下双目以避免对视。
- He pushed hard on the brake pedal to avoid a collision. 他使劲踩下煞车踏板以避免撞车。
- He brake his car just in time to avoid an accident. 他及时煞车,避免了一次事故。
- We should use anthracite to avoid air pollution. 我们应该使用无烟煤以防止空气污染。
- The falling slate sliced into his arm. 落下来的一块石片划破了他的手臂。