- Aviation Safety Officer 航空安全军官
- Aviation safety: Are we getting better or worse? 航空安全:我们做得更好,以或者更糟?
- Aviation Safety Office 航空安全处
- The health and safety officer will guide you through the safety procedures. 健康安全官员将向你把安全规程解释一遍。
- Family Name - Mason Aviation safety improves when we share our cultural experience. 在我们分享彼此文化经验的同时,航空安全也将得到进一步地改善。
- Commentary: Is the current level of aviation safety sufficient, and are we doing the right things to improve it? 评论:航空安全的目前水平是够了吗?我们正在做正确的事来改进它吗?
- Blakey, Chinese authorities "early on recognized there simply was no place for secrets when it came to aviation safety. 美国联邦航空局局长布莱奇说:“中国政府很早就意识到在民航安全问题上没有秘密可言;
- The European Aviation Safety Agency is the centrepiece of the European Union's strategy for aviation safety. 欧洲航空安全局是欧盟航空安全战略的中心。
- Government regulators in Europe and the U.S. take different approaches to aviation safety. 欧洲和美国的政府监管部门对航空安全则采取了不同的方式。
- Certified Safety Engineer is preferred, or at least Certified Middle Safety Officer. 注册安全工程师或至少是中级注册安全主任。
- To ensure civil aviation safety, a set of English proficiency requirement for pilots and air traffic controllers has been brought in by ICAO. 摘要基于维护飞行安全,ICAO(国际民航组织)要求全球民航相关飞行和空中交通管制人员2008年达到该组织公布的英语标准。
- I have asked the safety officer to take steps to ensure that such an accident can never happen again. 我已要求安全官员采取措施,以保证永远不再发生这样的事故。
- It's worked so well for aviation safety that the very, very rare airliner crashes we still get in the US are always very unusual, one-off situations. 这对飞航安全的作用非凡,所以美国极罕见的空难通通都是极不寻常的特殊状况。
- Angood, chief patient safety officer of the Joint Commission, the independent hospital accreditation agency. 并且儿童的情况一旦变坏,他们比成人进展更迅速。
- The concept and methods of six sigma management could be applied in the civil aviation safety management by improving and renovating the management processes effectively. 本文在分析当前民航安全状况和管理现状的基础上,结合六西格玛管理的理念、方法和模型,对如何加强民用航空安全进行了较为深入的研究。
- Consult with radiation safety officer to identify type and amount of radiation to be used, its side effects, and hazards. 咨询辐射安全管理员,确认拟用辐射的类型、数量、副作用及危害。
- Organization serving the Flight Dispatchers all over Europe. The main concern is to keep up and further improve the high professional standards of aviation safety within Europe. 该组织服务于整个欧洲的航行签派员。主要关注于在欧洲范围内的保持并不断提高航空安全的专业标准。
- Call Tim Kingston (Safety Officer) and try to arrange for a plant inspection on Wednesday morning. Otherwise, try to fit it in on Thursday afternoon. 给蒂姆·金斯顿(安全官员)打电话,试着请他在礼拜三上午来工厂视察工作。不行的话,就试着把时间安排在礼拜四下午。
- Since the aviation safety need dynamic management,the construction and application of the aviation safety risk management mode based on the problem management is very useful. 航空安全需要动态管理,因此构建并实施基于问题管理的航空安全风险管理模式就非常有意义。
- The health and safety officer said that the wire to the antenna catches on stuff as the officer works and causes a problem. 健康与安全官员说:"天线的联系与内部材料相连了;当他(该官员)在试用/检查的时候;发现了该问题.;"