- Aunt Alexandra was thriving. 亚历山德拉姑妈正是春风得意的时候。
- Aunt Alexandra was present but silent. 亚历山德拉姑妈也在场,但没吭气。
- Aunt Alexandra was positively irritable on the Lord's Day. 每蓬星期日亚历山德拉姑妈就很容易发火。
- Alexandra was to hear more of Ivar's case. 亚历山德拉仍不免会听到更多有关埃法尔的话题。
- Maggie: The paper seems to be thriving. 玛吉:办得正红火呢。
- Terrific! The company will be thriving soon. 太棒了!这家公司不久将兴旺。
- Wishes our beloved motherland to be thriving ! 祝愿我们亲爱的祖国繁荣昌盛!
- So far in its young career, Ms. seems to be thriving. 《Ms》这一刊物创刊不久,但办得越来越兴旺。
- How is this paper going? Maggie: The paper seems to be thriving. 这家报纸办得怎么样?玛吉:办得正红火呢。
- Markets are thriving and prices are stable. 市场繁荣,物价稳定。
- Children are thriving in New China. 新中国的儿童在茁壮成长。
- The markets are thriving in our country. 我国市场繁荣。
- The peach trees in the orchard are thriving. 果园的桃树长得很旺盛。
- Hamas and Hizbullah are thriving. 伊斯兰抵抗势力与黎巴嫩真主党活动依旧猖獗;
- Both production and marketing are thriving. 产销两旺。
- Many others are thriving at sales and are wealthy. 也有很多在销售领域做的风生水起资产丰厚。
- As for the girls, they seem to be thriving despite my frequent disappearances. 至于女儿们,尽管我时常不在家,她们似乎仍在茁壮成长。
- Katerina doesn't let him call or visit their home.But Rudolf comes against her will when Gosha, Katerina and Alexandra are having dinner. 凯特琳娜不让他来自己家,但鲁道夫违背了她的意愿,在凯特琳娜,寇莎和亚历山德拉吃饭时闯了进来。
- I was raised by my aunt on a farm. 我是在农场由姨妈抚养大的。
- Olathe decided to celebrate the fact that it was thriving, and what better way than to have a sweet corn festival? 奥拉西决定要庆贺它再次兴盛起来的事实,还有什麽会比举行甜玉米节更适合呢?