- The attorney for the defense challenged the juror. 被告辩护律师不同意这位陪审员。
- His uncle obtained an attorney for him. 他的叔叔为他请了律师。
- Attorney for the defense objected to the question. 被告律师反对这个问题。
- Attorney for Plaintiff 原告律师
- He is the junior attorney for our firm. 他是我们公司的初级律师。
- The attorney for the defense challenged the evidence as hearsay. 被告辩护律师驳斥该证据为道听途说。
- The judge castigated the attorney for badgering the witness. 法官因为辩护律师纠缠目击证人而谴责了他。
- Thereupon an idea occurred to the attorney for the crown. 这样,检察长心生一计。
- The attorney for the union accused the Mayor of playing politics. 工会的律师谴责市长在这次罢工中耍阴谋。
- The attorney for the defense objected to the question. 被告律师对这个问题提出抗议。
- She was not the daughter of an attorney for nothing. 她不愧是律师的女儿。
- A retainer fee is the fee which detains an attorney for legal counsel. 聘用费都是预先支付,律师办事之后就不断从预付的金额中扣除,多退少补。
- Please contact an attorney for more information regarding related services. 针对家长的咨询和培训。想知道更多信息可向律师咨询。
- The attorney for the union accused the Mayor of playing politics in the strike. 工会的律师谴责市长在这次罢工中耍阴谋。
- Parks," Frederick Toca Jr., an attorney for the family members, said Monday. 星期一,帕克斯女士家族成员的辩护律师弗雷德里克·托卡博士说。
- "You sued the wrong man," said Billy Martin, an attorney for Iverson. 你控告错了人。
- An attorney for the company said Diamond would cooperate with claimants. 公司律师说,公司愿意和申诉人配合。
- The remaining $15 million will go to Skilling's legal fees, said Lynn Sark, attorney for the Enron Corp. 余下的1500万美元将用作斯奇林的律师费用,安然储蓄计划和股权分配计划的律师林·萨克表示。
- Legal billing software created by an attorney for attorneys. 合法收费软件为律师由一位律师创造了。
- The jury found for the plaintiff. 陪审团作出了有利于原告的裁决。