- He thinks he's the reincarnation of Attila the Hun. 他认为他是匈奴王阿提拉的化身。
- He's gross -- he looks like Attila the Hun. 像匈奴王阿提拉的那个。”
- On the left there is your Attila the Hun. 在你左边的是匈奴大帝阿提拉。
- Attila the Hun set up his court in the Hungarian Plain beside the River Danube. 多瑙河畔的匈牙利大平原,曾是匈奴王阿提拉的王庭所在。
- Defeated in court and depicted by rivals as a corportate Attila the Hun, he seemed bitter and angry. 微软在反垄断诉讼案中败诉,盖茨的竞争对手把他说成是野蛮的匈奴,对此盖茨感到既痛苦又愤怒。
- Defeated in court and depicted by rivals as a corportate Attila the Hun,he seemed bitter and angry. 微软在反垄断诉讼案中败诉,盖茨的竞争对手把他说成是野蛮的匈奴,对此盖茨感到既痛苦又愤怒。
- Defeated in court and depicted by rivals as a corportate Attila the Hun , he seemed bitter and angry. 微软在反垄断诉讼案中败诉,盖茨的竞争对手把他说成是野蛮的匈奴,对此盖茨感到既痛苦又愤怒。
- Attila the Hun (played in the BBC's latest biopic by Rory McCann, pictured above) is best known for his furious savagery. 其中一幅画展示了几个近乎裸体的“流氓”正在毁坏一个罗马达官贵人的高贵雕像。
- Attila the Hun. 匈奴王阿提拉。
- the battle in which Attila the Hun was defeated by the Romans and Visigoths in 451. 451年匈奴人被罗马人和西格特人打败的战争。
- They call him attial the hun atkinson. 他手下的人都叫他“暴君”。
- the battle in which Attila the Hun was defeated by the Romans and Visigoths in 451 451年匈奴人被罗马人和西格特人打败的战争
- Defeated in court and depicted by rivals as a corportate Attila the hun, he seemed bitter and angry 微软在反垄断诉讼案中败诉,盖茨的竞争对手把他说成是野蛮的匈奴,对此盖茨感到既痛苦又愤怒。
- The fifth century was the Hun's century. 5世纪是匈奴的世纪。
- The Hun kingdom was centered in modern-day Hungary. 匈奴国以现今的匈牙利为中心。
- Atilla the Hun is thought to have been a dwarf. 有人认为匈奴王阿提拉曾经是侏儒。
- This is a dissertation on the history of the Hun nationality. 这是一篇研究匈奴历史的文章。
- To protect against harassment by the Hun aristocrats. 为了防御北方的胡人,
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。