- Atelectatic rales 肺膨胀不全罗音
- atelectatic rale 肺缘罗音,肺膨胀不全罗音
- The rale produced when air passes through mucus-clogged bronchioles. 空气经过黏液阻塞的细支气管时会发生水泡音。
- The right lung is markedly atelectatic. 右肺明显萎陷。
- I can hear moist rales over the left lung base. 在左肺底部能听到湿性口罗音。
- I can hear the moist rales over the left lung base. 我在左肺能听到湿罗音。
- You have your rales,I have mine. 你有你的原则,我有我的。
- A few fine rales were also heard at the right base posteriorly. 在前右(肺)底处,也可以听到一些微弱啰音。
- For the sound of phlegm rale will max if bleeding is not stopped! 假如不断出血,其痰鸣音只会加剧!
- There were no differences in terms of cough, pulmonary rale. 结论:红霉素仍然是治疗儿童支原体肺炎早期的首选药物。
- The rale produced when air passes through mucus - clogged bronchioles. 空气经过黏液阻塞的细支气管时会发生水泡音。
- The right lung is atelectatic and floating in bloody fluid filling the right chest cavity as a consequence of trauma. This is a hemothorax. 图示血胸。外伤后,大量出血,充满胸膜腔,使右肺萎陷,并在血性液体中飘浮。
- A few moist rales have been audible over Both lung Bases. The abdomen has been soft without tenderness. "双肺底部仍可闻少许湿罗音.;腹部软;无压疼"
- O. Conclusion: The instillation of a small amount of perfluorocarbon significantly reduces the opening pressures needed to recruit atelectatic lung areas. 使用小剂量的全氟碳可以显著降低张开塌陷的肺所需补充的压力。
- Lung auscultation may detect rales, rhonchi or wheezes; valuable clues to such illnesses as pneumonia, asthma or congestive heart failure (CHF). 肺部听诊可以听到湿罗音、干罗音或哮鸣音,这对诊断肺炎、哮喘或充血性心力衰竭很有价值。
- Through his stethoscope, Noah Townsend's clinical notes revealed, he heard suppressed breath sounds and lung rales. 从诺亚·汤森的诊断记录上可以看出,他在听诊时发现有呼吸受到压抑的声音,肺部有罗音。
- The right lower posterior chest showed dullness on percussion with moist rales at the end of inspiration on auscultation. 右后下胸部叩诊有浊音,听诊于吸气未闻湿啰音
- The significance of moist crepitant rales in diagnosis attracted attention of clinical workers in recent years. 本文报道了肺底部移动性湿罗音31例,其中26例为心脏疾患所致。
- Moist rales were heard from the lungs of 23 infants and young children ,accounting for 53.5 per cent. 婴幼儿病例中肺部出现湿口罗音者23例,占53.;5%25;
- The lungs are clear to auscultation bilaterally, without any wheezes, rales, or rhonchi. 双肺听诊清音,无喘鸣或干湿罗音。