- Lush fur and watchful eyes help this gray fox survive in the harsh, often cold climate of Chile's Atacama Desert, the driest place on Earth. 浓密的皮毛和机警的眼神让这种灰狐狸能在智利阿塔卡马沙漠的寒冷恶劣气候中得以生存。
- A vizcacha, close relative of the chinchilla, rests on an outcropping in Chile's Atacama Desert. 在智利的阿塔卡马沙漠,一只兔鼠正在石头上小憩,它是南美栗鼠的近亲。
- A nervous llama lies in the back of a pickup truck amid the moonscape of Chile's Atacama Desert. 在智利月球表面似的阿塔卡马沙漠中,一辆皮卡的车厢里有一头紧张的美洲驼。
- Cerro Paranal, in the Chilean Atacama Desert, is considered one of the best astronomical observing sites in the world. 帕拉纳尔山位于智利的阿塔卡马沙漠地区,公认世界上最好的天文观测区域之一。
- Only unpopulated areas like Antarctica or Chile's Atacama desert will remain off the hook. 只有像南极洲和智利的阿塔卡玛沙漠这类的无人区不会有信号。
- Photo Gallery: Climate A paraglider rides the winds above the Cerro Dragon sand dune in Chile's Atacama Desert. 意译:气候的图片集。一个滑翔伞乘风在cerro龙沙丘在智利的阿塔卡马沙漠之上。
- A paraglider rides the winds above the Cerro Dragon sand dune in Chile's Atacama Desert. 意译:气候图片画廊。一个滑翔伞乘风在山龙沙丘上面在智利的阿塔卡马沙漠。
- Tourists career down a mountainous sand dune in the aptly named Valley of the Moon region of Chile's Atacama Desert. 游客猛冲下巨大的沙丘,在智利阿塔卡马沙漠被适当叫做月亮谷地区。
- On Earth, it can be found naturally in the arid Atacama Desert in Chile where some extreme organisms use it as a source of energy. 在地球上,它在智利的阿塔卡马沙漠可以随处可见,当地的低端生物用它作为一种能源。
- ESO operates three unique world-class observing sites in the Atacama Desert region of Chile: La Silla, Paranal and Chajnantor. 在智利北部阿塔卡马沙漠区域,ESO运作三个独特的、世界级的天文台:拉斯拉、帕拉纳尔和查南托天文台。
- There is a small village named XXXX in the north of Republic of Chile, with the Pacific Ocean on its west and Atacama Desert on its north. 智利北部有一个叫丘恩贡果的小村子,这里西临太平洋,北靠阿塔卡玛沙漠。
- Photograph by Joel Sartore Tourists career down a mountainous sand dune in the aptly named Valley of the Moon region of Chiles Atacama Desert. 意译:智利,月亮谷,2003年。旅游者愿意速滑下到山一样的沙丘,最合适的是智利的“月亮谷”。
- An overnight in Iquique, a city with a vast awning of sand hanging above it from the bluffs, then inland, up over the coastal ranges and into the start of the Atacama Desert. 我们在智利北部的港口城市伊基克待了一个晚上,这是一个悬崖边上的城市,悬崖上便是广袤的沙漠。
- The observatory's four, massive 8.2 meter telescope units are situated on top of the 2,600 meter high mountain, Cerro Paranal, in the dry Atacama Desert in northern Chile. 天文台的4座8.;2米超大望远镜被安装在智利北部阿塔卡马沙漠中,2;600米高的塞洛
- Preserved by the bone-dry Atacama Desert and an elaborate deathbed treatment, the oldest mummies in the world have gone on display in the Chilean capital, Santiago. 在阿塔卡马沙漠完整保存的木乃伊,这个全球最老的木乃伊将在智利展出,一起来看看,感恩收看,再会。
- Llama in Pickup Truck, Chile, 2003 Photograph by Joel Sartore A nervous llama lies in the back of a pickup truck amid the moonscape of Chile's Atacama Desert. (Photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, "The Driest Place on Earth," August 2003, National Geographic magazine) 意译:主标题:骆驼在小货车,智利,2003年。一只心神不安的骆驼在小货车的后背箱,在月色下的智利的(Atacama)沙漠。
- The Namib Desert in Africa and the Atacama Desert in Chile are examples of coastal deserts. 非洲的纳米比亚沙漠和智利的阿塔卡马沙漠都是沿海沙漠。
- From the parched but mineral-rich Atacama Desert to haunting Torres del Paine National Park and beyond to stormy Cape Horn, "Chile," wrote Nobel Prize winner Pablo Neruda, "was invented by a poet. 从焦热但矿藏丰富的阿塔卡玛水草到令人难忘的百内国家公园再到暴雨频繁的合恩角。
- Perchlorate, a highly reactive chemical that can occur naturally in arid areas such as Chile's Atacama Desert, was detected in two soil samples analyzed by Phoenix's wet-chemistry laboratory. 过氯酸盐是极容易发生反应的化学物质,自然界中存在于像智利的亚他加马沙漠这样的乾燥地区,凤凰号的湿式化学实验室在分析两份土壤样本时侦测到这种学物质。
- The forest will act as a defense against desert dust. 森林能起防御沙漠灰沙的作用。