- At least millions of dollars. 最少也得几百万美元。
- The weather in the flood-ravaged southeast is improving after the rainy blitz caused at least 9 deaths and hundreds of millions of dollars in damage. 雷雨过后,东南部遭受洪水蹂躏地区天气的情况正在改善,洪水至少造成9人死亡、数百亿美圆的的损失。
- We paid hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes. 我们交纳了数亿美元的税金。
- The rob the bank of millions of dollars. 他们抢走了那家银行几百万美元。
- A false step can cost us millions of dollars. 一步失策会使我们损失几百万美元。
- Tens of millions of dollars in Flag Telcom’s Falcon Cable System . 数以千万计的电信旗的猎鹰有线系统.
- The money spent yearly on chewing gum totals millions of dollars. 每年花在口香糖上的钱达数百万美元。
- A bit movie can bring in millions of dollars at the box office. 一步轰动的影片可以带来几百万美元的票房收入。
- Millions of dollars will go into the building of that factory. 几亿美元将投资在那个工厂的建设中。
- Untold millions of dollars were spent on the project. 花在这个计划上的钱不知道有几百万元了。
- A careless mistake cost the company millions of dollars. 一次疏忽造成了公司数百万美元的损失。
- The horizontal axis shows sales in millions of dollars. 横轴表示以百万为单位的销售额。
- Damages caused by desertification were assessed at millions of dollars. 沙漠化造成的损失估计达到上百万美元。
- Millions of dollars have gone into the building of this factory. 在修建这座工厂时花掉了数百万美元。
- Instead, the party will lose millions of dollars in state funding. 相反,执政党将在国家基金损失上百万美金。
- On at least two occasions,the field has maintained one polarity for tens of millions of years. 至少有两次,磁场保持着一个极性达几千万年之久。
- Bird flu has infected millions of poultry in the world this year and at least 133 people, including 69 deaths. 今年禽流感病毒已经感染了数百万的家禽以及至少133个人,包括死亡的69例。
- My plans are large, I have millions of dollars at stake, and need for secrecy is great. 我的计划很大,我的数百万美元危如累卵,对保密的需求巨大。
- The company sustained losses of millions of dollars. 公司遭受了数以百万元计的巨大损失。
- The business has been millions of dollars in the red. 该企业已负债上百万美元。