- All the world and his wife were at the ball. 所有上流社会人士都参加了这个舞会。
- Look at the world through rose-coloured glasses. 对万事要乐观。
- The university aims at the first rate of the world. 学校的目标是成为世界一流的大学。
- The Recording Angel responsible for the world of letters still doubtless raises an eyebrow at the curious company some good writing keeps. 负责记录文学界事务的天使对于那些与某些好作品相伴而生的稀奇古怪难以理解的东西仍无疑感到惊奇。
- Carlo Rizzi was punk sore at the world. 卡罗 - 瑞泽对人世满腔牢骚。
- So smile at the world and it will smile back. 如此向世界微笑,世界也会向你微笑。
- Hanlei looks at the world as a spectator, waiting. 韩磊以一个旁观者的身份观察世界,他善于等待。
- Capitalism at the moment controls the world. 资本主义目前控制着世界。
- At the age of12 the boy was already a veteran traveller, having been all over the world with his father. 十二岁时,那男孩已是个见多识广的旅行家了,因为他跟父亲游遍过世界各地。
- No man ever looks at the world with pristine eyes. 没有一个人以纯净而无偏见的眼光来看待世界。
- He looks at the world through rise-colored glasses. 他看待世界的态度过于乐观。
- You will see him at the press conference. 你会在记者招待会上见到他的。
- Please put me off at the World Exhibition Center. 到世界展览中心时请通知我下车。
- Quite a lot of research results stand at the world. 许多科研成果达到国际先进水平。
- I was told to keep the minutes at the conference. 他们叫我在会议上作记录。
- I tHinK oF YoU aT tHE oTHER sIdE Of tHe woRLd. 端个板凳坐着慢慢看。
- I've been invited to give a talk at the conference. 我已受邀在大会上发言。
- Apoet looks at the world as a man looks at a woman. 诗人看世界,如同男人看女人。
- He made one last attempt at the world record. 他为破世界记录作了最后一次努力。
- Please let me off at the World Exhibition Center. 到世界展览中心时请通知我下车。