- Control Methods and Simulation Research on Displacement Serve System of the Asymmetry Drive Mechanism with Asymmetry Valve 具有非对称阀的非对称动力机构位置伺服系统的控制策略及仿真研究
- Asymmetry drive mechanism 非对称动力机构
- The rhombic drive mechanism has two "yokes". 菱形驱动机构有两个“轭”。
- Design drive mechanism, such as gearbox, drum etc. 驱动机构的设计,如减速箱,卷筒等。
- To continue turning or spinning after disengagement from the drive mechanism. 靠惯性滑行脱离了传动机械后继续转动或旋转
- Using this method, we can protract vector analysis atlas of planetary gear drive mechanism. 应用此方法,可定性地绘制出行星齿轮传动机构速度分析图谱。
- Electromagnetic movable coil control rod drive mechanism is a new type drive mechanism. 可移动线圈电磁驱动机构是一种新型的反应堆控制棒驱动机构。
- Any of various devices for engaging and disengaging two working parts of a shaft or of a shaft and a driving mechanism. 离合器一种使轴的两个职能部分或轴与机械驱动装置处于相咬合或相分离状态的设备
- The amplitude at the driven end is fixed by the driving mechanism. 由于驱动机构的作用,使驱动端的振幅保持不变。
- This work concerns in the rigidity experiment of coil-moveable electromagnetic drive mechanism for reactor control rod. 本工作在反应堆控制棒可移动线圈电磁驱动机构工程样机实验台架上,进行了电磁铁刚度实验。
- In the color swatch was good in the past, plant operators refused can drive mechanism cards and membership cards. 在不朱色样操纵猜测好以后,机台操纵职员果断不克不及开机制卡和会员卡制息。
- The stirrer is rotated by a rotational drive mechanism installed on the reservoir. 该搅拌器由安装在储蓄器上的旋转驱动机构所旋转。
- It design the computer procedures that can select automatically the type of planetary gear drive mechanism, optimize the design and parametric drawing. 通过编制相应的计算机程序,实现了行星齿轮传动的自动选型、优化设计和参数化绘图。
- It adopts a friction drive mechanism comprised of 4 steel cables and internal damping friction roller as its actuating mechanism. 该机工作执行机构是4根钢丝绳与内减速摩擦滚筒组成的摩擦传动机构。
- A novel drive mechanism named micro-elastic mesh wheel was developed to transfer power between the cross axes in a limited space by in-tube micro robot. 摘要为解决管道微机器人在微小空间内的交叉轴传动问题,研制了微小弹性啮合轮的传动机构。
- The problem of synchrodrive for gantry-moving milling machines is researched, and two linear motors as traversing drive mechanism of gantries are applied. 针对龙门移动式镗铣床同步伺服问题进行了研究,并用两台直线电动机作为龙门柱纵向进给的传动机构。
- Abstract: The paper deals with a linear direct drive mechanism o f electrode fo r electrical discharge machining (EDM) and its drive and control principle. 文摘:在介绍椭圆微驱动电火花加工机理的基础上,分析了椭圆微驱动器对驱动电路的要求。
- The problem of synchrodrive for gantry_moving milling machines is researched,and two linear motorsare are applied as traversing drive mechanism of gantries. 针对龙门移动式镗铣床同步传动问题进行了研究,并用两台直线电机作为龙门柱纵向进图1龙门移动式镗铣床结构示意图给的传动机构。
- A synchro control technology is presented, and applies dual linear motors as traversing drive mechanism of gantries to gantry -moving high speed milling machines. 提出一种同步控制技术,将两个直线电机应用到龙门移动式高速镗铣床中,用直线电机带动龙门柱实现纵向进给,通过同步控制技术使两个龙门柱保持同步。
- Two linear motors are applied as traversing drive mechanism of gantries.The coupling between disturbances and outputs is analyzed.A decoupling controller is designed. 分析了扰动与输出之间存在的耦合,设计出一种解耦控制器,并用龙门框架不平行时所产生的应力变化进行补偿。