- Astral bodies drip like wine 星体下落犹如酒般洒落
- She was amazed at the number of astral bodies the new telescope revealed. 从这台新的望远镜里竟能看到那么多的星体,这把她惊呆了。
- This carefree interlude reacted upon the young people like wine. 这一段轻松的插曲令年轻人陶醉。
- Apple orchards blossom there, and the air's like wine. 那里苹果园树树花开,空气都如美酒。
- Do you like wine? --- No,I like everything but alcohol. 你喜欢酒吗?---不,我除了酒精什么都喜欢。
- The astral dreadnought hunts astral bodies,tearing them apart,then swallowing them whole. 星界巨舰兽猎杀着星界的生物,撕裂他们的身体,然后将他们大口吞下。
- Men are like wine:some turn to vinegar,but the best improve with age. 人就像葡萄酒:有的会变酸,而最好的酒时间越长味道越美。
- I kept pulling and my astral body soon buzzed free of the physical. 我继续拉,我的星体躯体很快嗡嗡作响地离开了肉身。
- The dizzy sensation comes from the astral body loosening. 这种晕眩感来自星体躯体的松动。
- The sweat I'm wiping off drips like rain. 你都出汗了我简直是挥汗如雨了。
- He likes wine with his evening meal. 他喜欢在吃晚饭时喝点葡萄酒。
- He likes wine and enjoys comradeship. 他喜欢喝酒,他也享受那种同志情谊。
- His heart was as large as his body, and a halo of fancy used to surround him like a poetic astral body which seemed to be his truer image. 他的心胸像他身材一样豁达,有一种想象的光环总是像诗的星体一样围绕着他,这似乎是他更真实的形象。
- He likes wine but never drinks spirits. 他喜欢喝酒,但从不喝烈酒。
- As people move upward (or inward) from the middle to the higher planes. their astral bodies become lighter, subtler, and of higher-frequency substance. 当人们从中层向更高的层次向上(或向内)升时,他们的星体躯体变为更轻、更精微、振动频率更高的物质。
- Other people return frequently to the astral planes, donning astral bodies as they descend, so that they can be involved in earthly projects such as ITC. 也有人经常回到星体层,他们下降时就穿上星体躯体,这样他们就可以从事像ITC的地球工作。
- This terrible disorder may be caused by a dislocation of the astral body? 这种可怕的紊乱会是由星体躯体的错位引起的吗?
- This should put enough pressure on the astral body to complete the projection. 为完成投射,应该对星体躯体施加足够压力。
- If you like wine,we can get shrimp boiled in a wine soup that will knock you off you feet. 如果你喜欢喝酒,我们还可以吃烧酒虾,那个包你醉倒!
- Who could taste the fine flavour in the name of Brooke if it were delivered casually, like wine without a seal? 如果布鲁克的名字可以让人说长道短,他岂不成了一瓶没有商标的水酒,谁还把他放在眼里?