- Assist on other assignment of the company. 协助完成公司分派的工作。
- America's troops are not massed on China's borders. 美国没有在中国的边界集结军队。
- We depend on China's Sports for basketball news. 我们靠《中国体育》得知篮球新闻。
- Assist on initial sample releasing for mass production. 批量生产前首样放行。
- To be or not to be: on China joins WTO? 中国入世:生存还是死亡?
- This periodical carries a biased report on China. 这本期刊登了一篇对中国有偏见的报道。
- Fire is out now, but we request fire service assistance on landing. 现在火灭了,但请求着陆时消防协助。
- Development report on China life insurance. 中国人身保险发展报告。
- Assist on training new test operator and technician. 协助培训新的测试作业员和技术员。
- Discuss Classical art and Traditional art On China. 中国的古典艺术和传统艺术的交流。
- Can the EU Arms Embargo on China Come to an End? 欧盟对华武器禁运可以结束了吗?
- I arrived on China Southwest Airlines flight 561. 我是坐西南航空公司561航班到的。
- Dongting Lu calls on China's volunteers. 吕洞庭呼吁环境志愿者的共同努力。
- Outlook on China: Peaceful Partner or Warmonger? 中国展望:和平使者还是好战分子?
- Tom leaped at the offer to work on China. 汤姆欣然接受了在中国工作的机会.
- ICRO will provide ongoing training and assistance on a monthly basis. ICRO英语专家在每月访问学院期间将提供即时的培训与帮助。
- The Japan militarist made complete war on China. 日本军国主义者发动了全面侵华战争.
- Special assistance on this issue provided by Mark Marshall and Maureen Garrett. 马克-马歇尔和莫林-加勒特为本期提供特别协助。
- Earthquake on China bitch girl rants fuck about it! 四川蓝蓝报复沈阳败类女子 ...
- Provide engineering/technical assistance on all major E&I system in Cy area. 为硬糖车间所有主要电气系统提供工程/技术协助。