- R.M. Anderson, R. B. McGennis, “Superpave Asphalt Mixture Design Illustrated Level 1 Lab Methods”, N.A.T.C., FHWA-SA-95-004, February 1995. 徐登文,郑群嬴,”石胶泥沥青混凝土添加废轮胎橡胶粉末与矿物纤维在重覆荷重下变形行为之比较研究”,13届铺面工程学术研讨会,新竹,民国84年10月。
- R. B. McGennis, R.M. Anderson, T.W. Kennedy, M, Solaimanian, “Background of Superpave Asphalt Mixture Design and Analysis”, N.A.T.C., FHWA-SA-95-003, February 1995. 徐登文,郑群嬴,”石胶泥沥青混凝土添加废轮胎橡胶粉末与矿物纤维在重覆荷重下变形行为之比较研究”,13届铺面工程学术研讨会,新竹,民国84年10月。
- Superpave asphalt mixture design Superpave沥青混合料设计
- The Method of Skeleton-denseness Asphalt Mixture Design 骨架密实型沥青混合料配合比设计
- Coarse Aggregate Void-filling Method for Asphalt Mixture Design 沥青混合料设计的主骨料空隙体积填充法研究及应用
- The present asphalt mixtures design method is Marshall method, which is based on air voids, voids of mineral aggregate and voids of mineral aggregate that are filled with asphalt etc. 我国观行的沥青混合料配合比设计方法采用马歇尔设计方法,以马歇尔试件的空隙率、矿料间隙率、沥青饱和度等作为控制指标。
- Application Technology of Volume Proportion Method on Asphalt Mixture Design 体积比法设计沥青混合料应用技术
- Key Factors of Stone Matrix Asphalt Mixture Design and Experiments Analyze 沥青玛蹄脂碎石混合料的设计关键因素和试验分析
- Argument on application of asphalt mixture design method of new specifications 新规范沥青混合料配合比设计方法的应用探讨
- How to improve the road project construction standards from the perspective of asphalt mixture design and testing results of emulsified asphalt 从沥青混合料的设计和改性沥青的实验结果看如何完善公路工程建设标准
- Asphalt mixture design 沥青混合料设计
- Asphalt mixture design analysis 沥青混合料设计分析
- modified asphalt mixture design 改性沥青混合料设计
- The study of permeable asphalt mixture can provide reference for the design, popularization and application of the permeable pavement of city square. 通过对透水性沥青混合料渗透性等方面的研究,为城市广场透水性铺装设计及其推广应用提供借鉴。
- The homogeneity of the asphalt mixture can be reflected by its indexes. 沥青混合料均匀性可以通过沥青混合料均匀性指标来反映;
- Abstract: The design and application of permeable asphalt mixture in the pavement of city square aiming at the ecological deficiencies of the traditional non-penetrating pavement. 摘要:针对传统城市广场的非透水性铺装的生态性缺陷,探讨透水性沥青混合料在城市广场铺装中的设计及应用。
- Roberts K. L., Kandhal P.S., Brown E. R., Lee D. Y. ,and Kennedy T. W. , Hot Mix Asphalt, Mixture Design, and Construction, 1st edition, NAPA Eduaction Foudation, Lanham, Maryland, 1991. 江柎荣,“拌合方式对再生沥青混凝土力学性质影响之研究”国立成功大学土木工程研究所硕士论文,中华民国86年6月。
- The research of slurry seal coat of emulsified asphalt is made in maintenance engineering on 309 highway from some aspects such as choice of materials ,mixture design, construction techniques etc. 从原材料选择、混合料设计、施工工艺等方面对309国道潍坊段养护工程中采用的乳化沥青稀浆封层技术进行了研究,并通过实践得出了稀浆封层混合料的配比设计、施工等方面的注意要点。
- It is concluded from the study that the absorption coefficient depends upon the air voids of asphalt mixture. 发现空隙率尤其是有效空隙率是影响沥青混合料吸声系数的关键因素;
- With the increase of the nominal maximum aggregate size, the homogeneity of the asphalt mixture deteriorates. 随着公称最大集料粒径的增大,沥青混合料均匀性变差。