- Hong Kong is the base for regional publications such as Asia week and the Far East Economic Review. 香港是一些亚洲区刊物的业务基地,例如《亚洲周刊》及《远东经济评论》。
- While some Western reporters persist in painting a rather negative picture, Asia Week (April 4, 1997, p. 27) noted that a recent poll of Hong Kong people revealed that 2/3 were "happy" about the upcoming transfer of sovereignty to China. 虽然一些西方记者固执地坚持把香港的未来绘成一幅很惨淡的画面,但《亚洲周刊》(1997年4月4日版,第27页)说明最近一次对香港人的民意测验表明三分之二的人对即将实现的主权回归中国感到“欢欣”。
- I got a new coat in that store last week. 上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。
- He took sick and died a week later. 他得了病,一周后就死去了。
- She writes to her parents once a week. 她每周给父母写一封信。
- This country used to be a British colony in Asia. 这个国家曾是英国在亚洲的殖民地。
- He kept a journal of his wanderings across Asia. 他记自己漫游亚洲的日记。
- The boys have decided to go camping next week. 男孩子们已决定下个星期去露营。
- They were pining for their homeland in Asia. 他们思念着在亚洲的故乡。
- China is a developing country in Asia. 中国是亚洲的发展中国家。
- The alterations to your coat will take a week. 你的外衣改一改要花一个星期。
- I must sally forth into town and buy my week's food. 我得赶快去城里采购一星期吃的食物。
- It took us an entire week to finish painting the home. 它花去了我们整整一星期的时间才把房子粉刷好。
- After a week's work I like to retreat to the country to relax. 工作一周之後,我喜欢躲到乡下松弛一下。
- It is a programme beamed at Asia. 这是一个对亚洲地区广播的节目。
- The jackal is a wild animal in Africa and Asia. 豺狼是产于亚非的一种野生动物。
- Janet had a bad cough all last week. 珍妮特上星期一直咳得很厉害。
- Rachel who died last week was still above ground. 雷切尔上星期去世,现在还没安葬。
- Let's pack up and spend a week in the countryside. 咱们收拾好东西到乡下去过一个星期吧。
- The range of this plant is East Asia. 这种植物的产地在东亚。