- Ashy Honeyeatern. 灰摄蜜鸟
- Nor ashy pale the fear that false hearts have. 也未让苍白透露出做贼心虚的惊恐。
- The ashy path imbued with autumn tints. 白道含秋色,青山带雨痕。
- His glassy eyes and his ashy face were alight in an instant. 他那没光的眼睛和苍白的脸,登时就神采奕奕。
- School buses will bring students to Ashi School at 8:00am. 8点整,校车将学员送到阿什校区。
- School buses will take students to Ashi School at 8 am. 8点整,校车将学员送到阿什校区。
- His face was ashy grey. 他面如土色。
- The Queen also gave birth to Dasho Dorji, Dasho Naku and Ashi Wangmo. 他的母亲还为老国王生下了王子多吉,王子那库和阿旺公主。
- A honeyeater(Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae) of New Zealand, having dark plumage with white feathers on the throat. 蜜雀新西兰蜜雀(秃儿吸蜜雀)羽毛黑色,喉部有白羽
- Downstairs-Circle and Ashi : What? Both of us not in this discussion. 楼下两只圆圆和阿喜:啥?我们两个是在状况外喔。
- A honeyeater(Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae) of New Zealand,having dark plumage with white feathers on the throat. 蜜雀新西兰蜜雀(秃儿吸蜜雀)羽毛黑色,喉部有白羽
- The smoky honeyeater is the first new bird species to be discovered on the island of New Guinea since 1939. 蜜雀是1939年以来在新几内亚岛上发现第一个鸟类新品种.
- Ashy, frightened child stood before a government inspector in a Polish schoolroom. 在一个波兰人的教室里,一个害羞、受惊的孩子站在政府督察面前。
- They indicated,the expedition amazedly found a rare tree kangaroo,which didn't have to be extincted and a new type of honeyeater bird. 他们指出,最令人惊奇的发现是树袋鼠原来没有灭绝,及发现新种食蜜鸟。
- Old and bent, ashy pale and toothless, he managed with the help of two crutches, to totter into the King's presence. 他人老背驼,面色苍白,牙齿脱落,在两根拐棍的帮助下,蹒跚而行,来到国王的面前。
- Old and bent, ashy pale and toothless, he managed with the help of two crutches, to totter into the King’s presence. 35.他人老背驼,面色苍白,牙齿脱落,在两根拐棍的帮助下,蹒跚而行,来到国王的面前。
- A mist came before his eyes5);the cold sweat stood upon his ashy face;his limbs failed him;and he sank upon his knees. 他眼前一片模糊,惨白的脸上直冒冷汗,两条腿怎么也不听使唤,一下子跪倒在地上。"
- Both of the window screens were ashy, you would feel dim when looked out of window. 两个窗纱也灰蒙蒙的,从宿舍向外看朦朦胧胧的感觉。
- Han had an ashy complexion, which on a cloudy day could blend in perfectly with the color of the surrounding sky and make him invisible-a first-rate camouflage. 韩学愈容颜灰暗,在阴天可以与周围的天色和融无间,隐身不见,是头等保护色。
- Later Druk Gyalpo Jigme Wangchuck also married Ashi Pema Dechen, the sister of his first consort. 后来晋美又娶了旁措却登的妹妹白马德青。