- Ascaris apri [医] 长后圆线虫
- Thank you for your letter of Apri l7. 月7日来信收到。
- E tu dunque non apri piu' bocca? 而你何以反而不再开口了呢?
- Ascaris lumbricoidesFilarial worm microfilaria egg shell fertilized egg? 备注受精蛔虫卵、未受精蛔虫卵与传染期蛔虫卵的区别?
- The Ascaris adults may perforate a suture line or cause a bile or pancreatic duct obstruction. 成虫可穿破缝线或引起胆管或胰腺管阻塞。
- Piperazine citrate is the drug of choice in the treatment of Ascaris infestations. 枸橼酸哌嗪治疗蛔虫感染是最好的药物。
- The stomatic conductance of leaves of APRI is basically as same as FPRI, but both are less than CI. 叶片瞬时水分利用效率由高到低的顺序是:FPRI、APRI和CI。
- Before undertaking bowel surgery, an ascaris infection should always be excluded. 在进行肠手术前,一定要排出蛔虫感染。
- Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin has a son , who was born in Apri April with Down Syndromesyndrome. 许多患有唐氏综合症的新生儿肌肉张力低下,因此,在他们保持姿势时就需要额外的支撑。
- Ascaris lumbricoides, hookworm, Trichostrongylus and Toxocara canis were found in both places. 两村查到蛔虫卵、钩虫卵、鞭虫卵和犬弓蛔虫卵。
- Apri 29th is the fifth anniversary for our forum; it's truly a red-letter day. We will celebrate it on a grand scale. 又比如,4月29日,是我们论坛的5周年,这个是个大喜日子,我们将大张旗鼓庆祝。
- Infestation with or disease caused by a parasitic roundworm Ascaris lumbricoides. 蛔虫病蛔虫寄生或由寄生蛔虫引起的疾病蛔虫
- Blood samples from the patients were assayed for APRI and the results were compared with biopsy results. 从这些病患抽出的血清进行APRI试验,而再与肝脏切片结果比较。
- Roughly half of the participants received a drug to eliminate any Ascaris worms from their bodies. 大约一半的试验参与者服用了一种能把所有蛔虫都驱除的药物。
- The infection rate of ascaris l umbricoides was one of the highest in parasitosis infection. 蛔虫感染是人体寄生虫感染中较高的一种。
- Ascaris suum is a common nematode (Nematoda, Ascarida, Ascaridae) in the small intestine of pigs. 猪蛔虫(Ascaris suum)属于线虫纲(Nematoda)蛔目(Ascarida)蛔科(Ascaridae),寄生于猪小肠,可导致猪的腹泻、消瘦、贫血、出血、生长不良,并易引起其它疾病的继发。
- Objective:To study the effect of housefly larval secretion on the development of Ascaris suum eggs . 目的:观察家蝇幼虫分泌物对猪蛔虫卵发育的影响。
- An APRI <0.40 accurately identified patients with fibrosis stage 0 or 1 in 93% of the cases (NPV = 93%), and all misclassified subjects were F2. APRI <0.;40 能精确地鉴别出纤维化分级为0或者1的患者(NPV=93%25),未能分类的患者都是F2。
- Conclusion Washing hands with toilet soap to keep hands clean can significantly reduce ascaris infection rate. 结论 每日用香皂洗手保持手部清洁卫生 ,可以显著降低蛔虫感染率。
- The AUC of APRI for predicting significant fibrosis and cirrhosis in the validation set were 0.88 and 0.94, respectively. APRI预测验证组患者发生显著纤维化和肝硬化的AUC分别为0.;88和0