- United States Army Task Force Alfa 美国陆军特遣部队
- Army Task Force 陆军特遣部队
- We should set up a similar task force. 我们应该成立一个类似的工作小组。
- Commentary by Task Force Ranger Veterans. 来自特遣部队的退伍老兵的评论。
- What does the interagency task force do? 联合事务特遣队做些什么呢?
- Major case, Jinjiang police task force was set up. 案情重大,晋江警方成立了专案组。
- In 1987 a task force known as 16 O's secret unit in an army helicopter attack in the Persian Gulf when the mine-laying vessel was found. 1987年一个已知为特遣部队16O的秘密单位在陆军的直升机攻击一艘位于波斯湾的布雷船时被发现。
- Small armored task forces had reconnoitered the area. 一小股装甲特种部队已对这一地区进行了侦察。
- The task force still had to face the enemy's air force. 特遣部队仍必须同敌人的空军周旋。
- The task force bombed the Argentine positions day and night. 英军特混舰队昼夜对阿军阵地实施轰炸。
- People saw the task force as secretive, and mistrusted it. 人们认为这个工作组态度不坦率,所以不信任它。
- My task force leader on this, Special Agent John Doggett. 特遣部队的头,特别探员,道根。
- The Task Force has issued reports number one and number two. 专责小组已提交第一号和第二号的报告。
- This task force-- the search for Mulder, I'm running it, right? 这项任务-寻找莫特,我在管理它,对吗?
- A list of members of the Task Force is at Appendix I. 成员名单载于。
- He set up twenty-two task forces. 他设立了二十二个特别工作组。
- Two other ships, the USS Decatur and the USS Russell, were close by, and part of the task force, run by the Army Space and Missile Defence Command in Colorado Springs. 美国海军的另两艘战舰,"迪凯特"号和"罗素"号也在附近待命。同时待命的还有位于科罗拉多州斯普林的"陆军空间与导弹防御指挥部"的特遣队。
- The task force bombed the Argentine positio day and night. 英军特混舰队昼夜对阿军阵地实施轰炸。
- He argues the job should be handed over to a bipartisan task force. 他认为这项工作应该递交一个两党任务小组来完成。
- The task forces now shot forward in all directions. 至此,各方面的工作小组都迅速成立了起来。