- The Illinois Army National Guard is helping with sandbagging duties in Quincy. 伊利诺斯州国民警卫队在昆西帮助堆积沙袋。
- Recruitment is also strong for the Army National Guard, according to Pentagon figures. 招聘也是强大的陆军国民警卫队,根据五角大楼的数字。
- Governor Beshear has deployed Kentucky's Army National Guard and part of the Air Guard. 州长比希尔已经调配了肯塔基州的国民军队和部分的空军防卫队。
- Flood fears in the Midwest are now moving downriver.The Illinois Army National Guard is helping with sandbagging duties in Quincy. 中西部地区的水患正在想下游地区转移,伊利诺伊州国民警卫队正在帮助昆西地区填补沙袋防洪。
- AAI Corp. will provide simulators and other training aids and applications to Army National Guard units to help them operate unmanned aircraft systems under a four-year, $31 million contract. AAI公司将为国家警卫队提供模拟器和其他训练帮助和应用软件,以帮助他们在一个四年期、价值3100万美元合同下运作无人机系统。
- South Carolina Army National Guard 南卡罗来纳州国民警卫队
- South Carolina Army National Guard, USPFO, 南卡罗来纳州的陆军国民警卫队
- Director of the Army National Guard 陆军国民警卫队司令
- District of Columbia Army National Guard 哥伦比亚特区陆军国民警卫队
- Pennsylvania Army National Guard 宾夕法尼亚陆军国民警卫队
- United States Army National Guard 美国陆军国民警卫队
- Army National Guard of the United States 美国陆军国民警卫队
- Army National Guard Troop Structure Program 陆军国民警卫队结构方案
- The National Guard has been called out to help fight fire. 国民警卫队奉命出动去帮助扑灭大火。
- The national guard have surround the presidential palace. 国民卫队包围了总统府。
- Army National Guard 国民军
- Florida Army National Guard 佛罗里达州陆军国民警卫队
- They were stopped from entering by the National Guard. 他们未被允许加入国民警卫队。
- But the city's masses had organized a National Guard. 可是巴黎的民众组织起了一支国民卫队。
- Washington Army National Guard 华盛顿陆军国民警卫队