- Army Medical Publication 部队医学出版物
- The present Procedures shall also be applicable to any army medical institution which is opened to the public. 向社会开放的部队医疗机构,按照本办法执行。
- Until the Eighth Route Army Medical Yi Jida appear in front of him. 直到八路军军医伊吉达出现在他的面前。
- This information is being circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. 此讯息也正在华特里德陆军医学中心流传著。
- Kirklin.JW,Barratt - Boyes BG.Cardiac surgery [M].New york:A Wiley Medical Publication,John,Wiley and Sons,1986 ;645. 石应康;田子朴;黄旭中;等.;生物心瓣膜毁损的再手术治疗[J]
- The First army medical college and The Fourth army medical college give the big and powerful research. 第一、第四军医大学强大的科研支持。
- They read up on radiotherapy in medical publications. 他们在医学书刊中研读了有关放射疗法资料。
- It was a new idea then and many politicians and army medical men felt it was revolutionary and positively cranky. 这在当时是标新立异的,许多政客和军医都觉得这过于出格同时又是稀奇古怪的。
- Both houses of congress held hearings this week on conditions at Walter Reed Army medical center in Washington. 在本周,国会两院分别就华盛顿的沃尔特里德军队医疗中心的状况召开听证会。
- Combat Medical Technicians (CMTs) in the British Army are members of the Royal Army Medical Corps. 英国陆军里,军医被称为作战医疗技术员,他们是皇家陆军医疗团的成员。
- He was promoted to major last year and was transferred to Fort Hood's Darnall Army Medical Center. 去年他晋升为少校,并被派往胡德堡Darnall陆军医院。
- This paper is to explain the procedure of policy-making about medical public affairs.First with the idea of deliberative democracy let people fairly participate and discuss. 摘要:作者认为,制定医疗公共政策,必须以审议式民主理念,让人民公平地参与讨论,在说理和议论的主导下,寻求解决利益冲突之道。
- Johns Hopkins has recently sent this out in its Newsletters. This information is being circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. 约翰霍浦金斯医院最近在其新闻发怖布稿中透露了上述讯息。此讯息也正在华特里德陆军医学中心流传著。
- President Bush addresses medical workers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, DC, following a visit on Friday, Mar. 30, 2007. 分说明:2007年3月30日,美国总统布什访问华盛顿里德陆军医疗中心并发表讲话。
- The intense work on the Commission was now over,Florence was to continue studying, planningpressing for army medical reform for the next thirty years. 至此委员会的紧张工作告一段落,但弗洛伦斯仍要继续研究,计划及督促今后三十年的军队医疗改革。
- Johns Hopkins has recently sent this out in its Newsletters. This information is being circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center . 约翰霍浦金斯医院最近在其新闻发布稿中透露了上述讯息。此讯息也正在华特里德陆军医学中心流传着。
- This paper accents a standard procedure of policy-making about medical public affairs.With deliberative democracy and both supervision arrangements the idea of social welfare will come true. 因此本文认为医疗公共事务的制定程序中,必须落实审议式民主、以及审议委员会与司法审查制度,社会福利国的理想才可能完全实现。
- The intense work on the Commission was now over, but Florence was to continue studying, planning and pressing for army medical reform for the next thirty years. 至此委员会的紧张工作告一段落,但弗洛伦斯仍要继续研究,计划及督促今后三十年的军队医疗改革。
- The army was demoralized by defeat. 军队因战败而士气消沉。
- The enemy army crumpled up under our attacks. 敌军在我军的攻击下垮了。