- Army Air Forces Gunnery School 陆军航空队射击学校
- Army Air Forces Bombardier School 陆军航空兵轰炸员训练学校
- Army Air Forces Intelligence School 陆军航空兵情报学校
- The U. S. Army Air Forces believed in daylight bombing with the heavily defended Fortress type of bomber as the backbone of the organization. 美国陆军航空队,相信在白昼轰炸,应以防御性的空中堡垒重轰炸机为组织之骨干。
- The U.S. Army Air Forces believed in daylight bombing with the heavily defended Fortress type of bomber as the backbone of the organization. 美国陆军航空队,相信在白昼轰炸,应以防御性的空中堡垒重轰炸机为组织之骨干。
- The son of an immigrant carworker in Detroit, he had become an air cadet at the age of 17 and then a member of the army air forces, in which he trained as a meteorologist. 他是美国密歇根州底特律一位汽车工人移民的儿子,17岁时进入了空军军官学校,并在那时加入了美国空军部队,接着就在那受到了作为气象学者的训练。
- Army Air Forces Navigation School 陆军航空队导航学校
- Army Air Forces Pre-Flight School Pilot 陆军航空兵后备飞行学校飞行员
- United States Air Force Flexible Gunnery School 美国空军活动式武器射击学校
- Army Air Forces Technical School 陆军航空兵技术学校
- Army Air Forces. 空军
- Slowly but steadily growing in combat power and effectiveness, the C.A.T.F. on March 10. 1943, would become the American Army Air Forces' 14th Air Force. 慢慢地但稳步地增长着作战力量和效率,在1943年3月10日,中国空中特遣部队归编为美国空军第14航空队。
- Following AVG service, the General returned to the Army Air Force and served as the American Air Attache in Moscow. 在美国航空志愿队(飞虎队)之后,他回到了陆军航空队,任驻莫斯科的美国空军大使。
- Major General Claire L. Chennault, as Commander of the United States Army Air Force's Fourteenth Air Force. 陈纳德将军,是美国空军第14航空队的指挥官。
- The army air force also order 900 of these aircraft, designated as the A-25 Shrike, but they decided not to use them. 陆军空军也以900的这些飞机,指定的A - 25伯劳鸟,但他们决定不使用他们。
- However, they concocted this savage little stunt the launching of a few Army Air Force bombers against Tokyo from the decks of a carrier. 但是,他们策划了这个野蛮的小花招,从一艘航空母舰的甲板上起飞十几架陆军航空队的轰炸机去骚扰东京。
- However, they concocted this savage little stunt the lauching of a few Army Air Force bombers against Tokyo from the decks of a carrier. 但是,他们策划了这个野蛮的小花招,从一艘航空母舰的甲板上起飞十几架陆军航空队的轰炸机去骚扰东京。
- These wonderfully talented young entertainers are the children of serving members of the People's Liberation Army Air Force. 这些非常有天赋的青年演艺人员是那些人民解放军空军服役人员的子女。
- Following flight training, Rodewald was assigned to the Army Air Force's combat development center at Eglin Field, Florida as a test pilot. 在结束飞行训练之后,罗德沃尔德被分配到位于佛罗里达埃格林基地的陆军航空兵战斗发展中心当试飞员。
- Army Air Force.The Allied Expeditionary Air Force, comprising the British 2nd Tactical Group and the USAAF 9th AAF, was set up almost a year before the actual landing. 而且盟军远征军空军是在登陆作战的一年前建立的,其中就有英国第2战术轰炸队和美军第9空军联队。