- Arkoff made good his promise. 阿考夫履行了他的诺言。
- He failed to make good his promise. 他没有履行他的诺言。
- The young man borrowed some money from his friend. He promised to pay it back on pay day. He made good his promise. 这位年青人向他朋友借了些钱,答应发工资时还,他果然兑现了。
- The criminal was in irons, but made good his escape. 这犯人戴着镣铐,但还是逃跑了。
- A young man challenged him to make good his boast. 一个青年要他把他说的大话兑现。
- The criminal was in irons,but made good his escape. 这犯人戴着镣铐,但还是逃跑了。
- Joe made good his boast to swim across the lake. 乔夸口要游过湖去,他果然做到了。
- Tom made good his boast to swim across the lake. 汤姆夸口要游过湖,果然成功了。
- During a struggle the culprit made good his escape. 在一次打斗中,该罪犯设法逃走了。
- On February 16, 1945, elements of the U.S.Sixth Army began the assault on Corregidor, and after furious fighting, MacArthur made good on his promise. 1945.;2
- He made good his argument by showing that it was based on reason . 他通过陈述充分的理由证实了他的论据。
- My brother made good his loss by working harder than ever before. 我弟弟比以前更努力地工作来补偿他的损失。
- Running behind the bushes,Jeff made good his escape. 杰夫从树丛后面跑,顺利地逃脱了。
- A friend should make good his debts without needing to be reminded. 朋友应该偿还其债务而无需他人提醒。
- He made good his argument by showing that it was based on reason. 他通过陈述充分的理由证实了他的论据。
- Germany lacked the military force to make good his words. 德国缺少能把他的话兑现的兵力。
- It was too late now to retreat, he must make good his word. 当时退缩已迟,他只好照他自己的话做了。
- Last night, the president made good on his promise to keep pushing for reform with a fiery speech, still defending his call for a government-run health insurance option. 昨晚,总统就他的继续推动改革的承诺开始了一场言辞激烈的演讲,继续为要求政府运行健康保险而辩解。
- Running behind the bushes, Jeff made good his escape. 杰夫从树丛后面跑,顺利地逃脱了。
- He ought to have kept his promise. 他原本应该遵守自己的诺言。