- Are you a romantic person? 你是个浪漫的人吗?
- Are you a wage-earner or salaried? 你是工人还是职员?
- Hallie: Are you a superstitious person, Caroline? 海莉:你是迷信的人吗,卡罗琳?
- Are you a consumer-friendly person? 你对顾客体贴入微吗?
- Do you own the house or are you a tenant? 你是拥有这幢房子还是租住的?
- Hallie:Are you a superstitious person, Caroline? 海莉:你是迷信的人吗,卡罗琳?
- Jenny: Are you a superstitious person? 你是个迷信的人吗?
- Are you a Roman Catholic or an Episcopalian? 你是罗马天主教徒还是圣公会教徒?
- She called you a liar. Are you going to swallow that? 她说你撒谎.;你打算忍受这种侮辱吗?
- What kind of work do you do? Are you a salesman? 你是做什么工作的? 你是推销员吗?
- Are you a native speaker of English? 你的母语是英语吗?
- Wernher von Braun(1912-1977) was a romantic person in the field of rocket. 冯.;布劳恩(Wernher von Braun;1912-1977)是20世纪液体燃料火箭技术和宇航工程的开创者和奠基人。
- A romantic person tends to get trapped in his or her own small world. 浪漫的人倾向于沉浸在他或她自已的小世界里。
- Are you a hundred per cent convinced yourself? 你自己百分之百地相信吗?
- Are you a manipulate tasked individual? 你是一位可以应付繁忙工作的人吗?
- Are you a senior student here? I'm a freshman. 你是这儿的高年级学生吗?我是新生。
- Are you a mechanic or an engineer ? 你是技工还是工程师?
- He is not a romantic person, but he never forgets to buy a rose or a buch of roses for her everytime they meet. 男孩儿不懂浪漫,但是每次见面,他会送她一支或一束玫瑰花。
- I am never a romantic person, and I rarely watch/read lovey-dovey movies or novels. 我对浪漫这个玩意儿没什么要求。
- Are you a close friend of theirs? 你是他们的亲密朋友吗?