- "We have the ipsissima verba, the exact words of Jesus. “我们有耶稣的原话。
- Durch Verleumdung verlor er das Vertrauen des Herrschers und wurde verba t. 但是,由于遭人诬陷,他失去了楚怀王的信任,并被流放。
- Mr Verba's gentle preamble through leather-bound tradition was leading to something momentous . 维巴先生就哈佛藏书所作的温文尔雅的开场白,将拉开重大事件的帷幕。
- Mr Verba's gentle preamble through leather-bound tradition was leading to something momentous. 维巴先生就哈佛藏书所作的温文尔雅的开场白,将拉开重大事件的帷幕。
- Absolutely,' says Linda Verba, who runs TD's retail operations in themid-Atlantic region. 绝对有可能。
- and, when I published my own ideas, I have never been accused of being a servile disciple, or of swearing in verba magistri. 并且,在我发表自己的见解的时候,也没人来说我是个过于顺从的门徒,或者只会附和权威的言论。
- "REM tene;verba sequentur 。 "(掌握主题, 词将随后而来。
- ipsissima verba [拉](=the very word)作者的原话
- verba sentiendi 感知动词
- verba [法] 词, 言词, 言语
- ipissima verba [法] 正如其言, 确切的原文
- per verba de futuro [法] 根据对将来的诺言
- per verba de praesenti [法] 根据诺言, 根据现在诺言