- Nothing can weaken his resolve to become a lawyer. 什么也动摇不了他要当律师的决心。
- He obtained a diploma in architecture. 他获得了建筑学的学位证书。
- The king tried to weaken the power of the clergy. 国王试图削弱教会的权力。
- The architecture of this house is very substantial. 这座房子的结构很牢固。
- The new house he bought was colonial architecture. 他新买的房子是美国初期的建筑。
- Continual fevers weaken the vitality. 连续发烧会使人元气大伤。
- I find much modern architecture quite appalling. 我觉得很多现代建筑十分糟糕。
- That style of architecture is too ornate for my taste. 那种建筑风格太华丽了,不对我的口味。
- Architecture weakening 建筑弱化
- The architecture specific library code can be found in arch/*/lib/. 与处理器结构相关库代码被放在arch/*/lib/目录下。
- I am working on a master's degree in civil architecture. 我在攻读民用建筑专业的硕士学位。
- The style of architecture originated from the ancient Greeks. 这种建筑风格起源于古希腊。
- To weaken or collapse from exertion. 筋疲力尽因费力而变弱或垮掉
- They have not yet agreed to our requests but they are clearly weakening. 他们还没有同意我们的要求,但态度已明显软化。
- The style of architecture originated from/with the ancient Greeks. 这种建筑风格起源於古希腊。
- His authority is steadily weakening. 他的权威日趋减弱。
- Again, the architecture specific kernel code is in arch/*/kernel. 同时与处理器结构相关代码都放在arch/*/kernel目录下。
- One weakening of normality is quasinormality. 正规性的一种减弱形式是拟正规性。
- This is the most impressive architecture I've seen on this trip. 这是我此次旅行见到的最令人难忘的建筑。
- The delay did not perceptibly weaken her resolve. 这段缓冲时间并未减弱她的决心。