- The Cultural Origins of Chinese Architectural Decorative Art II. 中国建筑装饰艺术文化源流2。
- Architectural decoration art 建筑装饰艺术
- Na Chuan Metal Products For Architectural Decoration Co., Ltd. 纳川建筑装饰金属制品有限公司。
- Shanghai Baoguang Architectural Decoration Co., Ltd. 上海宝光建筑装潢有限公司。
- Each period had its own particular style of architectural decoration. 每个时期都有其建筑装饰上的风格。
- The tomb has a unique architectural decor, with polychrome half-human, half-plant caryatids and painted murals. 古墓内有独特的建筑装饰、彩饰的半人半植物女像柱和各种壁画。
- It presents a splendid Louis XVI portrait on coronation costume, in architectural decor. 它提出了一个灿烂的路易十六画像加冕服装,建筑装饰。
- Abstract: It is discussed that silver decoration art is a vital proportion in our abundant national finery culture. [摘要] 在我国丰富多样的民族服饰中,银饰艺术是一个重要的组成部分。
- But the staff of Jiayi Company in their untiring pursuit of interior decoration art is happy. 但以创作室内装饰艺术作为不懈追求的佳易人是幸福的。
- The qualitative test method using FT-IR and DSC for architectural decoration fluorocarbon coatings such as FEVE and PVDF has been introduced. 介绍了利用傅里叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR)和差示扫描量热法(DSC)对FEVE与PVDF系建筑装饰用氟碳涂层进行定性鉴定的方法,并用实例加以说明。
- Polystone is a kind of glass fibre reinforced composite. Electroplated polystone articles are now increasingly used in architectural decoration. 波丽是一种玻璃纤维复合材料,波丽电镀制品在建筑装饰中的应用日渐广泛。
- Packing design of commodities is the quintessence of decoration art, so packing design industry needs the support of culture. 商品的包装设计是装饰艺术的结晶,包装设计产业更需文化的滋润。
- This various cultural connotation influence the decoration art, minority clothing, embroidery, weaves as well as paper-cut. 其中以畲族服饰、刺绣、编织、剪纸等为表象的装饰艺术更有着丰富的文化内涵。
- Professional architectural decoration company founder who is now a "China Institute of Interior Design Construction Branch" members, the state registered architect. 公司创始人建筑装饰专业出身,现为“中国建筑学会室内设计分会”会员、国家注册设计师。
- Beijing Zhong-Jie-sheng Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. is a design, budget, construction, materials, in one of the architectural decoration construction enterprises. 北京中杰胜装饰工程有限责任公司是集设计,预算,施工,材料,于一体的建筑装饰施工企业。
- A lot of bronze ware and decoration art are inerasable impression in the development of art.It is true that traditional decoration pattern is the origin of Chinese painting art. 大量的青铜器及其纹饰艺术表现上,已是历史上不容抹灭的印记,说它是中国艺术发展的源头之一,一点也不为过。
- The movement toward a lighter, more charming manner began in French architectural decoration at the end of Louis XIV's reign (d.1715) and quickly spread across Europe. 这场追求更轻巧、更迷人的手法起源于路易十四王朝末期的法式建筑装饰,而且很快地传布到整个欧洲。
- As an aesthetic conception and symbol, decoration art has spread through all aspects of architecture, maken it an important, inseparable part of modern architecture. 装饰艺术作为建筑的审美符号已经深入到建筑艺术的每个角落,成为与之相互依赖、不可分离的一个整体。
- Collect Russia Imperial and French decorative arts. 收藏俄罗斯帝国和法国的装饰艺术品。
- Collect decorative arts and industry. 收藏装饰艺术品和工业。