- What Archie Bunker means by the question is not contained by the question's grammar. 班克的通过问题表达的意义不能被语法所包含。
- What Archie Bunker means by the question is not contained by the question's grammar. 班克的通过问题表达的意义不能被语法所包含。
- Archie Bunker 阿尔奇·邦克
- A land hazard or bunker on a golf course; a sand trap. 障碍高尔夫球道上的一个障碍物或障碍; 高尔夫球道上的沙土障碍
- He always hit the ball into the bunker. 他真是个沙坑大王。
- "Archie, how fortunate that you mentioned it. "阿尔奇,幸亏你提醒。
- Archie looked across the lamp at Rhett. 阿尔奇隔着灯看了瑞德一眼。
- Archie grunted and spat on the floor. 阿尔奇嘟嚷了几声,又往地上啐了一口唾沫。
- But Archie and Melanie and India knew. 但是阿尔奇、媚兰和英迪亚是知道的。
- "Archie, open the door," she said quietly. "阿尔奇,开门去,"她平静地说。
- "You get Mr. Wilkes to bed, Archie. "阿尔奇,你把威尔克斯先生也抱到床上去吧。
- He always hits the ball into the bunker. 他真是个沙坑大王
- And Archie's hand closed over his pistol butt. "阿尔奇马上抓了枪把子。
- To hit(a golf ball)into a bunker. 把高尔夫球打入障碍洞中
- A real man makes his own luck, Archie. 好汉自己创造运气。
- Can now build special bunker and drop napalm bombs. 现在可以升级特殊的碉堡以及投掷凝固汽油弹。
- Archie and we got to be close friends. 我们同阿齐先生成为亲密的朋友了。
- On April 26 he quietly left the bunker. 4月26日那天,他悄悄地离开了地下避弹室。
- Sir, to the bunker is one hundred and eighty yards. 从发球台到沙坑是一百八十码。
- Archie was always in the ring with them. 阿奇总会跟他们一起在马戏场里。