- The Aral Sea is actually not a sea at all. 实际上,咸海根本就不是海,而是一个满是淡水而又广袤的湖泊。
- We see aerial photos of the Aral Sea drying up. 我们可以从咸海的空中摄影中看出它正在干涸;
- The Aral Sea gets almost all its water from the Amu and Syr rivers. 咸海的水源几乎完全来自阿姆河和锡尔河。
- Following this dating, Zoroaster converted Vishtaspa, most likely a king of Chorasmia (an area south of the Aral Sea in Central Asia), in 588 BC. 接下来是在公元前588年,琐罗亚斯德让维什塔帕,一位很可能是切罗西马(中亚咸海的地区)的国王,改变了信仰。
- Many of the ships that once fished in the Aral Sea are now only good as a source of metal. 许多曾经行驶在咸海中的渔船如今都变成了可回收的废铁。
- The Aral Sea offers a cautionary tale about the challenges of effective environmental peacemaking. 咸海是一个很好教训,向我们展示出了通过环境合作缔造和平所面临的挑战。
- The Aral Sea supported a thriving commercial fishing industry employing roughly 60,000 people in the early 1960s. 咸海扶持了兴旺的商业捕鱼业。1960 年代大概有 6 万人从事这一行业。
- But as the Aral Sea comes back to life, Kazakhstan hopes that the fishing industry will be revived. 随着咸海的重生,哈萨克斯坦政府希望咸海渔业也能够得到复苏。
- Many pundits wrote off the Aral Sea as doomed, but substantial parts of it are now being ecologically restored. 许多自命权威的人士认为咸海注定毁灭,但有很多区域,生态正在复原。
- On Friday, the European Space Agency released before-and-after satellite photographs of the Aral Sea in 2006 and 2009. 星期五,欧洲航天局公布了2006年至2009年前后有关咸海的卫星照片。
- Med and the Caspian sea and the Black sea and the Aral sea are the headstream of water vapor of Qilian mountain,but it is different in every season. 地中海、黑海、里海、咸海、阿拉伯海和孟加拉湾是祁连山的水汽输送源地,但各个季节又有所不同。
- The people of Aralsk, once a port at the northern tip of the Aral Sea, even began to dream about going back to sea for their livelihoods. 阿拉尔斯克过去曾是咸海最北端的一个港口,那里的居民甚至在梦境中都发现自己又重新以海为生。
- The sequence of images above, acquired by Landsat satellites, shows the dramatic changes to the Aral Sea between 1973 and 2000. 上面陆基卫星拍摄的图片按序显示了 1973 年至 2000 年之间咸海的动态变化。
- So much has been pumped out of the rivers that feed the Aral Sea in Central Asia that it collapsed in the 1980s and has barely begun to recover. 河流抽水过量,中亚咸海供水不足,20世纪80年代发生了生态灾难后,一直没能恢复。
- That change in chemistry has led to staggering alterations in the lake's ecology, causing precipitous drops in the Aral Sea’s fish population. 化学成分的改变极大地改变了湖区的生态环境,导致咸海鱼类数量剧减。
- An intensive compressive structural stress field resulted from thrust existed in Caspian and Aral sea regions controlled the locations of oil, gas and deposits. 通过逆冲推覆构造确定里海和咸海地区一期强烈的挤压应力场与油气及矿床的定位密切相关。
- Here's how the Aral Sea looks today. Scientists estimate that over the last four decades, the sea's surface area has shrunk by approximately 60%, and its volume by 80%. 照片展现的是现在满目疮痍的咸海。据科学家估计,过去40年时间里,咸海表面积萎缩了近60%25,容积更是锐减了80%25。
- The cause of the water loss goes back to the days of the old Soviet Union and its diversion of the main rivers which feed the Aral Sea in order to irrigate vast, arid areas for cotton production. 咸海海水枯竭的原因要追溯至前苏联时期。当时为了灌溉广阔而干旱的棉田,原本汇入咸海的几条大河被人为截流改道。
- The eastern lobe of the disaster-struck Aral Sea seems to have shrunk by four-fifths in just three years, according to the European Space Agency (ESA), Agence France-Presse reported. 据法新社援引欧洲空间局的资料报道,受灾咸海的东部耳垂形地带已经在短短三年内缩小了五分之四。
- Gazetteer Europe and Asia: east from the Pyrenees and north from the Alps and Middle Asia, in the basins of the North, Baltic, Black, Caspian and Aral seas. 欧洲与亚洲:从庇里牛斯山脉东部与向北从阿尔卑斯山脉与中亚,在波罗的海,黑海,里海与咸海北方的流域。