- Arachniodes festinan. 华南复叶耳蕨
- R.Domine ad adiuvandum me festina. 上主求你速来扶助我。
- Filices novae sinenses generis Arachniodes Bl. 国产复叶耳蕨属的新分类群.
- The Lyons police arrested Festina director, team doctor and three riders. They were detained and questioned by police. 里昂警方又拘捕了 包括维兰克在内的费斯蒂纳车队队员和总经理布鲁诺·拉塞尔和队 医艾里克·里杰克特在内的5名车队官员,对他们进行审问。
- The Lyons police arrested Festina director,team doctor and three riders. They were detained and questioned by police. 里昂警方又拘捕了 包括维兰克在内的费斯蒂纳车队队员和总经理布鲁诺·拉塞尔和队 医艾里克·里杰克特在内的5名车队官员,对他们进行审问。
- All four Festina riders were thrown out of the Tour de France following the a11eged confession of their manager Bruno Roussel about the use 0f illegal substances. 自费斯蒂那车队的教练布尔诺·罗索承认他们的队员服用违禁药物以后,该队4名车手全部被开除出环法大赛。
- Its dominant families are Dryopteridaceae,Polypodiaceae and Athyriaceae,and its dominant genera are Dryopteris,Selaginella and Arachniodes. 区系综合系数为-0.;290;在相比较的8个山地区系中位居第6;
- Jeff: Festina was the best team in the 1997 Tour de France. Willy Voet was masseur of its rider Richard Wilank,who was the second place winner of the 1997 Tour de France. A layer of dark clothes hanged over France at once. 杰夫:费斯蒂纳是1997年环法赛中成绩最好的车队,而沃特则是1997年环法赛亚军法国人理查德·维兰克的按摩师,一层乌云顿时笼罩在法国上空。
- Jeff: Festina was the best team in the 1997 Tour de France. Wil-ly Voet was masseur of its rider Richard Wilank, who was the second place winner of the 1997 Tour de France. A layer of dark clothes hanged over France at once. 杰夫:费斯蒂纳是1997年环法赛中成绩最好的车队,而沃特则 是1997年环法赛亚军法国人理查德·维兰克的按摩师,一层乌云顿 时笼罩在法国上空。
- Jeff: Festina was the best team in the 1997 Tour de France. Willy Voet was masseur of its rider Richard Wilank, who was the second place winner of the 1997 Tour de France. A layer of dark clothes hanged over France at once. 杰夫:费斯蒂纳是1997年环法赛中成绩最好的车队,而沃特则是1997年环法赛亚军法国人理查德·维兰克的按摩师,一层乌云顿时笼罩在法国上空。
- Arachniodes simplicior(Makino)Ohwi 长尾复叶耳蕨
- Clinical Analysis of Secondary Epilepsies with Intracranial Arachniod Cyst 颅内蛛网膜囊肿继发癫痫的临床研究
- festina lenteph. 【拉】慢慢加快;从容不迫地;一板一眼地
- Arachniodes anshunensisn. 安顺复叶耳蕨
- Festina 费斯蒂纳
- Arachniodes aristatissiman. 多芒复叶耳蕨
- Festuca festina 费斯塔
- Arachniodes baiseensisn. 百色复叶耳蕨
- Arachniodes caudifolian. 尾叶复叶耳蕨
- Arachniodes coniifolian. 细裂复叶耳蕨