- Arab Liberation Army 阿拉伯解放军
- On May27 we handed over the plant to the Liberation Army undamaged. 5月27日,我们将工厂完整无损地移交给解放军。
- Soon the Liberation Army knocked them out. 不久,解放军就把他们歼灭了。
- He joined the Liberation Army in 1972. 他于一九七二年参加了解放军。
- Saddam uses the Arab Liberation Front to funnel money to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers in order to prolong the Intifada. 萨达姆利用阿拉伯解放阵线向巴勒斯坦自杀者的家属提供资金。
- That boy insists to participate in people's the Liberation Army. 那个男孩坚持要参加人民解放军。
- Meanwhile the Liberation Army went from victory to victory. 与此同时,解放军取得了一个又一个的胜利。
- On April 21 the Liberation Army began to cross the Yangtze River. 4月21日解放军开始横渡长江。
- Long live the great Chinese People's Liberation Army! 伟大的中国人民解放军万岁!
- At that time the People's Liberation Army was driving southward. 这时中国人民解放军正大举南下。
- The Chinese People' s Liberation Army defends our motherland. 中国人解放军保卫着我们的祖国。
- Our armed forces are called the Chinese People's Liberation Army. 我们的武装力量叫做中国人民解放军。
- On May27we handed over the plant to the Liberation Army undamaged. 5月27日,我们将工厂完整无损地移交给解放军。
- The Chinese People's Liberation Army defends our motherland. 中国人解放军保卫着我们的祖国。
- Our people's liberation army is now in the cantonment. 我们的人民解决军现在正在宿营地。
- The crowds outside heralded the arrival of the Liberation Army. 外面的人群热情欢迎解放军的到来。
- On May 27 we handed over the plant to the Liberation Army undamaged. 5月27日,我们将工厂完整无损地移交给解放军。
- Those20 minutes fully displayed the heroism of the People's Liberation Army. 这20分钟充分显示出人民解放军的英雄气慨。
- Comrade commanders and fighters of the Chinese People's Liberation Army! 中国人民解放军全体指战员同志们!
- They were active in sending their young people to join the Liberation Army. 他们积极让他们的青年人参加解放军。