- Applied Psychology Panel 应用心理学委员会
- The lad smiled and said: "Applied psychology. 男孩儿微笑着回答说:“应用心理学。
- Applied psychology,and on the capacity of a man to get along with his fellowcitizens. 应用心理学以及人们和自己伙伴相处的能力。
- Applied psychology, and on the capacity of a man to get along with his fellowcitizens. 应用心理学以及人们和自己伙伴相处的能力。
- Kanungo, R.N.(1982).Measurement of Job and work involvement.Journal of Applied Psychology, 67(3), 341-349. 姜占魁(民83):组织行为与行政管理.;台北:华泰书局
- Zhang ZJ, Huang, XT. Time management disposition and quality of life: an exploratory study. The 25th International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP),Singapore, 7-12,July,2002. 张志杰、黄希庭、凤四海等青少年时间管理倾向与生活质量关系的研究第九届全国心理学学术会议(2001年,广州)。
- Abelson, M. A. (1986). Examination of avoidable and unavoidable turnover. Journal of Applied Psychology, 72(3), 382-386. 中华民国人寿保险商业同业公会(2000)。中华民国八十八年度人身保险业务员资格测验登录管理年报。
- PIIN-GUAN CULTURAL PUBLISHING HOUSE established in 1999.Our publishing aims at applied psychology, feminine medicine and languages etc. 品冠文化出版社成立于1999年,出版品以科学应用、女性医学、语言类等书籍为主。
- Sun, Chien-Ru (2002), “Emotion, self-evaluation, and two construals of the self”, International Congress of Applied Psychology(ICAP) , Singapore. 宋思齐;孙蒨如(2001);“部属观点的情境领导模式”;中国心理学年会;国立中正大学.
- Lee R.,Ashforth B.E.A Meta-Analytic Examination of the Correlates of the Three Dimensions of Job Burnout[ J ].Jounal of Applied Psychology,81 (2). 刘晓明;王增文.;中小学教师职业倦怠与心理健康的关系研究[J]
- Kanungo, R.N., “Measurement of Job and Work Involvement.”, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 67, No. 3, 1982, pp. 341-349. 苏义雄,物流与运筹管理:观念、机能、整合,三版,华泰文化事业股份有限公司,台北市,民国九十六年。
- Anderson, H. H, &Brewer, H. M. (1946), Studies of teachers' classroom personalities, Applied Psychology Monographs, Stanford University, 98-101. 路君约(1976);高登人格测验甲种指导手册;台北市:中国行为科学社.
- When the couple hundred students in my applied psychology lecture course each kept time diaries for several days, many of their diaries looked like elaborate drill routines. 在我的应用心理学课上,有几百名学生每个人都带着个记事本,很多人的记事本上所记录的似乎都是详细的训练日程安排。
- Huang XT, Zhang ZJ. An investigation of the construct of time management disposition,The 25th International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP) , Singapore, 7-12,July,2002. 黄希庭、张志杰论时间维度上的一种人格特质第九届全国心理学学术会议(2001年,广州)。
- Fang, D. (2000, April).Class clowns at schools.Paper presented at the meeting of the Applied Psychology in Education, Mental Health and Business, Valdosta, GA. 胡志伟、方文熙、胡美绫(1995),文章易读性的指标,第四届世界华语文教学研讨会。
- Sun, C.; Wang, C. (2006), “Impression verification and self-effacing behavior of Chinese.”, the 26th International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP) , Athens, Greece . 郑淑菁;孙蒨如(2006);“社会比较你我他:多重比较对自我评价的影响”;第四十五届台湾心理学会年会;台北市.
- The basic theories of applied psychology are about the nature of human mind, the distinction between the basic and the applied research, the definition and the characteristics of applied psychology. 摘要应用心理学的基本理论问题涉及人类心理的本性,基础研究与应用研究的区别与联系,应用心理学的定义与特徵。
- HSHRRI has good co-operational relationship with Institute of Applied Psychology(IAP), Soochow University and Institute of Economical Psychology(IEP), Nanjing Normal University, which includes the share of human and information resource. 我们与苏州大学应用心理研究所、南京师范大学经济心理研究所建立有长期交流合作关系,合作内容包括人员共享、资源共享、信息共享。
- Tracey J.B., Tannenbaum S.I. and Kavanagh M.J., 1995,.Applying Trained Skills on The Job:The Importance of The Work Environment, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 80, No. 2, pp.239-252. 林坤茂,1997,以策略性人力资源管理观点探讨组织训练迁移之成效:以台湾糖业公司为个案分析,东华大学企业管理研究所论文。
- Kristof-Brown,A.L.& Stevens,C.K.Goal congruence in project teams:Does the fit between members' personal mastery and performance goals matter?Journal of Applied Psychology,2001,86 (6):1087. 张一驰;高莹;刘鹏.;个人-组织匹配在外资医药企业员工离职意愿决定中的调节效应研究[J]