- CONCLUSIONS: Aortic dissections might be missed in patients with neurological symptoms but without pain. 结论:有NS症状而无疼痛的主动脉夹层患者容易漏诊。
- Endovascular graft exclusion is an innovative technique for the treatment of thoracic aortic dissections,and satisfactory clinical effects have been achieved. 近年来兴起的腔内隔绝术,在治疗胸主动脉夹层动脉瘤中取得了令人满意的临床疗效。
- MPR, CPR, VR, SSD, and MIP are useful in evaluating aortic dissection. MPR和CPR对主动脉夹层显示的最好,VR和SSD次之,MIP最差。
- From this case, we learn that in patients with an AMI, the possibility of aortic dissection should be kept in mind. 这个病例使我们学习到对急性心肌梗塞的病人,必须将主动脉剥离可能性谨记在心。
- Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) secondary to acute ascending aortic dissection is a rare condition. 摘要急性升主动脉剥离造成急性心肌梗塞是非常少见的情况。
- Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic value of 64 multi-detector helical CT angiography in aortic dissection. 目的:探讨64排螺旋CT血管造影对主动脉夹层的诊断价值。
- Con clu sion:SCTA transaxial CT associated with MPR,CRI ,SSD,MIP and CTVE is an effective method in diagnosing and evaluating aortic dissection. 结论:以主动脉SCTA的横断面CT图像为基础,结合其MPR,CRI,SSD,MIP及CTVE图像是诊断与评价主动脉夹层最有效无创伤性检查方法之一。
- Endowascular Graft Exclusion for Stanford B Type Thoracic Aortic Dissecting Aneurysms:A Report of 9l Cases. 腔内隔绝术治疗Stanford B型胸主动脉夹层动脉瘤(附91例临床分析)
- Objective To explore the treatment of mesenterie ischemia resulted from Stanford B aortic dissection aneurysm (ADA). 目的探讨Stanford B型主动脉夹层动脉瘤(aortic dissection aneurysm,ADA)引起肠道缺血(intestinal ischemia)的治疗。
- Aortic dissection. Pregnant women are at increased risk for spontaneous aortic dissection. --主动脉壁夹层形成妊娠妇女容易自发形成主动脉壁夹层。
- Acute aortic syndrome includes aortic dissection, intramural haematoma (IMH), and symptomatic aortic ulcer. 急性主动脉综合征包括:主动脉夹层、壁内血肿和有症状的主动脉(粥样斑块)溃疡。
- Severe physical and emotional stress may represent inciting events for acute aortic dissection, new research suggests. 最新的研究显示,严重的身体和情绪应激可能代表急性主动脉壁夹层形成的激发事件。
- However, aortic dissection was suspected during cardiac catheterization and then comfirmed by echocardiography. 然而在心导管过程中怀疑有主动脉剥离而后被心脏超音波所确定。
- Methods From May 2002 to September 2006, 46 patients with type B aortic dissection underwent stent graft implantation. 方法2002年5月至2006年9月,行主动脉腔内隔绝术治疗B型主动脉夹层46例。
- Methods Twenty-six patients underwent EVR for aortic dissection and all cases were Stanford B dissection. 方法对26例行Stanford-B型主动脉夹层动脉瘤腔内修复术患者的临床资料进行分析。
- A diastolic murmur may indicate aortic regurgitation from aortic dissection involving the aortic root. 舒张期杂音表明因主动脉破裂而引起的主动脉返流,累及主动脉根部。
- Objective To explore the effect of color Doppler echocardiography on the diagnosis of aortic dissecting aneurysm (ADA). 目的探讨彩色多普勒超声对主动脉夹层动脉瘤(ADA)的诊断价值。
- Results: SCTA images could clearly show the lesions of aortic dissection and its complicated anatomic relationship. 结果:SCTA能清楚显示主动脉夹层病变及其复杂的解剖关系,如双腔、内膜片及累及的范围等。
- Chest pain (with or without dyspnea) suggests MI, aortic dissection, or pulmonary embolism. 胸痛(伴或无呼吸困难)提示心肌梗死、主动脉破裂或肺栓塞。
- Objective To evaluate the value of transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) in diagnosing aortic dissection (AD). 摘要目的:探讨经胸超声心动图(TTE)诊断主动脉夹层(AD)的价值。