- Anybody can go broke. 任何人都有可能垮掉。
- Anybody can work out that simple math problem. 无论谁都会算那道简单的数学题。
- Anybody can make history; only a great man can write it. 谁都将可以做出永垂史册的事情,但惟有伟人才可以将之撰写成书。
- I am thinking maybe we can go canoeing. 我在考虑也许我们可以去划独木舟。
- Letters with enough stamps can go by air. 信件贴够了邮票就可以寄予航空。
- As soon as I sew up this job, we can go home. 我一干完这件工作,就可以回家了。
- Stop blaming me, anybody can make a mistake. 别再责备我了,谁都可能犯错。
- If the clouds break up, we can go for a hike. 如果乌云散开了,那我们就能去徒步旅行了。
- Anybody can write such a sentence. 任何人都会写那个句子。
- I do not think anybody can keep me from marry jane. 我变为没有人能阻止我同简结婚。
- You can go to prison for dangerous driving. 鲁莽驾驶可导致入狱。
- Anybody can learn to drive; there's nothing to it. 任何人都可以学会驾驶,这非常容易。
- Children learn to creep ere they can go. 孩子要走路,先得学爬行。
- I do not think anybody can keep me from doing it. 我想任何人都不能阻止我去做这件事。
- In other words, none of us can go to the movie. 换句话说,我们都不能去看电影。
- Anybody can see that it's wrong. 随便哪个人都可以看出这是错的。
- Anybody can do it---after he has been shown how. 任何人,只要得到指点怎样去做以后,他就做得成。
- We can go for a walk, if you feel so inclined. 你要是愿意的话,咱们去散散步吧。
- Not anybody can solve the riddle. 没有人能猜出这个迷。
- If you don't spend money wisely, you may go broke. 假如不善用金钱,就可能破产。