- Lymphocyte antigen receptor site 淋巴细胞抗原受体部位
- Antigen receptor site 抗原受体部位
- Very late antigen receptor site 极迟抗原受体部位
- B cell antigen receptor site B-细胞抗原受体部位
- B-cell antigen receptor site B-细胞抗原受体部位
- T-cell antigen receptor site T-细胞抗原受体部位
- AIM: To study the role of adaptor protein Bam32 in B cell antigen receptor (BCR) signaling cascades. 目的:研究接头蛋白(adaptorprotein)Bam32在B细胞抗原受体(Bcellantigenreceptor,BCR)信号转导级联反应中的作用。
- A noncompetitive antagonist prevents the agonist from producing any effect at a given receptor site. 非竞争性拮抗剂可阻止激动剂在特定受体部位产生任何效应。
- This variation involves the flipping of a single genetic “letter” in a gene called DARC (the Duffy antigen receptor for chemokines). 这个变异包含一个叫DARC(达菲抗原趋化因子受体)基因中一个基因片段的翻转。
- This process of DNA rearrangement is required to build the antigen receptor used by T cells, and permanently marks ETPs. 这个DNA重组的过程是建立T细胞抗原受体所需要的,并且永久标记早期胸腺祖细胞。
- Lymphocyte antigen CD4 receptor site 淋巴细胞抗原CD4受体部位
- A medicine used to treat allergies and hypersensitive reactions and colds,works by counteracting the effects of histamine on the receptor site known as H1. 用来治疗敏感症、敏感反映和伤风的药物,通过和H1受点部位组胺作用相中和而起作用。
- hypothetical antigen receptor on T-cell surfaces 假设在T细胞表面的抗原受体
- Duffy antigen receptor chemokines Duffy抗原趋化因子受体
- There are many chemical and environmental toxins that can mimic estrogens and attach to the receptor sites also. 有许多化学和环境毒素,能模仿雌激素和附着到受体网站也。
- In the case of DPPE-PEG, Akbari beliees it works by blocking the antigen receptors on NKT cells and so preenting their immune response. 关于DPPE-PEG,Akbari支持它能阻断NKT细胞上的抗原受体从而抑制免疫反应的观点。
- The release of neurotransmitter molecules from one neuron and their attachment to receptor sites on another keep a nerve impulse moving. 神经递质分子从一个神经原释放后,附着到另一个接受点,令神经冲动保持运动的状态。
- Couch JM,Cullen P,Casey T,Fabre J . Epidermal growth factor receptor sites in human and monkey eye[J]. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1988;29:86. 熊新春;杜蜀华;魏厚仁.;表皮生长因子受体在正常大鼠眼组织中的表达[J]
- Another prominent theory is that PAHs disrupt a fetus's ability to obtain nutrients and oxygen by occupying molecular receptor sites in the placenta. PAH的出现,可能使细胞凋亡过程波及了需要的突触,以致影响了大脑的功能,这种情形会发生在子宫内以及儿童的早期生活中。
- Its action is to occupy the brain receptor sites affected by heroin, thereby blocking the effects as well as relieving the craving and withdrawal symptoms. 在体内美沙酮佔据被海洛英影响的脑受体,阻止毒品发挥功效,大大减低倚赖及毒瘾症状。