- An antibody in blood serum that causes bacteria or other foreign cells to become more susceptible to the action of phagocytes. 调整素血清中的物质,可促进白血球的噬菌作用
- The applicator on the stick, a strip of synthetic proteins, then detects HIV antibodies in blood in 20 minutes or less. 棒上的涂药器是一条状的人工合成的蛋白质,接着在血液中发现HIV抗体大约需要20分钟。
- There are red and white corpuscles in blood. 血液中有红和白两种血球。
- The applicator on the stick, a strip of synthetic proteins, then detects HI antibodies in blood in 20 minutes or less. 棒上的涂药器是一条状的人工合成的蛋白质,接着在血液中发现HI抗体大约需要20分钟。
- The ELISA method was used to detect antisperm antibodies in blood or cervix mucus for leuocytospermic men s spouses. 用ELISA法测定其配偶血清和宫颈粘液的抗精子抗体出现情况。
- Method Clonorchis sinensis specific antibodies in blood samples were detected by ELISA.People were interviewed with structured questionnaire. 方法用血清免疫学筛查,采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)方法查抗体,同时进行问卷调查与华支睾吸虫感染相关的生活和行为方式。
- On the way back home he saw a battle royal among five, each bathed in blood. 他在回家的路上看到5个人大打出手,个个浑身是血。
- The level of EHF antibody in normal population was low. 正常人群抗体水平低;
- His vesture was dabbled in blood. 他穿的衣服上溅满了鲜血。
- He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood. 他穿着溅了血的衣服。
- I took the lead in blood donation. 我带头献血。
- I took the initiative in blood donation. 我带头献血。
- Debts of blood must be paid in blood. 血债要用血来偿。
- ELISA with Double Antigen Sandwich for Screening Speeific Serum Anti- TP Antibody in Blood Donors 应用双抗原夹心ELISA法筛查献血员梅毒螺旋体抗体
- The virus shows up in blood tests. 血液检验显示有病毒存在。
- There might be increase in blood pressure. 有可能增加血压。
- an antibody in blood serum that causes bacteria or other foreign cells to become more susceptible to the action of phagocytes 调整素,血清中的物质,可促进白血球的噬菌作用
- Immune cell is the one part in blood. 免疫细胞是血液中的一部分。
- The floor was swimming in blood. 地板上血流成渠。
- One team used an antibody found in blood donated by an individual. 一个研究小组使用个人所献血液中创建一种抗体。