- This experiment was the use of different substrate ratio,its right to explore in vitro Anthurium adndraenum plactics colonization period and the period of growth. 摘要利用不同的栽培基质配比,探讨其对红掌组培出瓶苗在缓苗期和定植期生长的影响。
- Anthurium adndraenum 红掌
- Playboy of the bridal chamber Anthurium nights .... 花花公子的洞房花烛夜....
- The research advancement on Anthurium andraeanum Lind. 安祖花研究进展。
- Progress in Tissue Culture of Anthurium andraeanum L. 红掌组织培养研究进展。
- Study on the in vitro propagation method of Anthurium spp. 火鹤花离体培养育苗技术研究。
- Study on Characteristics of Seed Germination of Anthurium andraeanum Lind. 红掌种子萌发特性的研究。
- A wicker basket filled with lilies, roses, red anthurium, statice and murraya. 花篮包括百合、红掌、玖瑰、毋忘我及沙巴叶花等。
- Title: Researeh on plantlet transplant of Anthurium andreamum Lindl. 关键词:安祖花;试管苗;移栽;成活率
- Factors Influencing Callus Induction, Proliferation and Bud Differentiation of Anthurium andraeanum Lind. 影响红掌愈伤组织诱导、增殖和芽分化的因素。
- Study on the Inflorescences Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Anthurium Andraeanum Lind. 红掌的花序培养及快速繁殖技术研究。
- Effects of the amount of nitrogen application on petunia, pansy, daisy and Anthurium. 对4种花卉进行氮素生理试验,目的是初步了解矮牵牛、三色堇、雏菊、安祖花对氮素的养分需求;
- Title: Study on the Inflorescences Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Anthurium Andraeanum Lind. 关键词:红掌;花序;组织培养;快速繁殖
- A wicker basket filled with lilies, roses, red anthurium, statice, eucalyptus, salal and murraya. 花篮包括百合、红掌、玖瑰、毋忘我、尤加利叶花、小海棠叶及沙巴叶花等。
- The plnting anthurium with side bud deeply after exchange basin is able to accelerate its side bud radicationing. 将带侧枝的红掌植株换盆深栽可促进侧枝生根;
- Anthurium bridal chamber night morning, the groom wake up one day and found the bride tears. 洞房花烛夜的早晨,新郎一觉醒来,发现新娘泪流满面。
- However, there are few reports about haploid breeding in Anthurium anthraeum in literature. 但目前国内外均未见到红掌单倍体育种的研究报道。
- Occasional water shortage treatment in every stage can promte the tiller of Anthurium andraeanum sprouted . 各生长期偶然缺水处理可以促进安祖花分蘖苗的萌生。
- But the root N-uptake of Anthurium andraeanum has no correlation with the matrix moisture content. 安祖花根系吸氮量与基质水分含量没有明显相关性。
- Freesia, Nerines, Anthurium, and Muscari also fit the bill and can take the trend beyond its winter season of 1 December to 14 February. 素馨兰、金花石蒜、火鹤花和葡萄风信子同样适合用在这个主题,并且在12月1日至2月14日的冬天季节里充满著时尚感。