- Anterior chamber peffusion 前房灌注
- Results In all cases,anterior chamber depth and IOP became normal. 均采用小切口白内障囊外摘出、后房人工晶状体植入并联合小梁切除术。
- The complications included anterior chamber Tyndall phenomenon(17/17) and anterior chamber hemorrhage(6/17). 术后并发症有轻度房水闪光(17/17)及少量前房积血(6/17)。
- Static high viscosity has advantage of expanding space of operation and keeping anterior chamber. 静态高粘度利于手术空间的扩展和前房的维持。
- Postoperative shallow anterior chamber in glaucoma patients with senile chronic bronchitis. 老年慢性支气管炎青光眼术后浅前房临床分析。
- Chronic close angle glaucoma has higher occurrence rate of flat anterior chamber than acute close angle glaucoma. 浅前房在慢性闭角型青光眼中的发生率高于急性闭角型青光眼。
- Objective To study the cause,prevention and treatment of hypotonus shallow anterior chamber after trabeculectomy. 目的:探讨小梁切除术后低眼压性浅前房发生的原因、预防及治疗。
- Conclusion The combined therapy may obtain reasonal efficacy for children with traumatic anterior chamber hyphema. 结论儿童外伤性前房积血通过综合治疗,可以取得满意疗效。
- The anxious morale and cortisol in plasm and anterior chamber postoperationly recovery were detected in two groups. 结果治疗组患者术后焦虑情绪和血皮质醇较对照组明显降低,前房恢复较快。
- No patients suffered from hypopyon or empyema of anterior chamber angle and hyperemia of optic papilla. 所有患者均无前房或房角积脓,无视盘充血;
- By contrast, inoculation of BSA to anterior chamber of pregnant monkeys abolished the DTH-suppression effect. 与此相反,将BSA接种于妊娠猴眼则消除对DTH的抑制效应。
- Results The shallow anterior chamber recovered and the choroidal detachment was cured. 结果经上述综合治疗,浅前房逐渐恢复,脉络膜脱离治愈。
- Objective To explore therapy of children with traumatic anterior chamber hyphema. 摘要目的探讨儿童外伤性前房积血的治疗方法。
- The IOP was measured with a sphygmomanometer that was connected with a plastic tube inserted into the anterior chamber. 使用台式血压计,前房穿刺插入导管直接测量前房灌注过程中的眼内压;
- Methods:Anterior chamber perfusion was adopted to make acute intraocular hypertension animal models with different IOP. 方法:采用前房灌注生理盐水的方法,制作不同高眼压的急性高眼压家兔模型。
- A 14-month-old girl was noted with chorioretinopathy and a nematode living in the anterior chamber of the left eye. 摘要本例为广东住血线虫之幼虫引起眼部病变的报告。
- IOP, anterior chamber(AC), complication were evaluated preoperatively and up to 12 months postoperatively. 观察并比较两组术后前房、眼压、早期并发症及滤过泡情况。
- Results: Secondary hyphema occurred in 10 patients and three of them were treated with douche of anterior chamber. 结果:66眼外伤性前房积血经治疗后,10眼出现继发性前房积血,其中3眼进行了前房冲洗术。
- Conclusion The improvement of anterior chamber washout is simpler, safer, fewer complication and more efficient. 术后视力明显提高。结论 此种术式操作简单,术中安全,术后并发症少,是取除前房积血的有效办法。
- Methods: Medication, douche of anterior chamber and meticulous nursing were applied to 66 patients. 方法:对外伤性前房积血采取药物治疗、前房冲洗及精心护理。