- He got an inflammation of passion. 他情绪激动。
- He has an inflammation of the lungs. 他得了肺炎。
- He was a soft-hearted man. He wouldn't hurt an ant. 他是一个软心肠的人,连一个蚂蚁都不愿伤害。
- I've got an inflammation of lymph. 我的淋巴发炎了。
- Inflammation of the iris of the eye. 虹膜炎虹膜的感染发炎
- Inflammation of the thyroid gland. 甲状腺炎甲状腺发炎
- A disease marked by this inflammation. 支气管炎以这种感染为特征的疾病
- Inflammation of a vessel of the body. 脉管炎身体的脉管感染
- Inflammation of the urinary bladder. 膀胱炎泌尿膀胱的发炎
- The proverb tells us to emulate the industry of the ant. 这格言告诉我们要效法蚂蚁的勤勉。
- Inflammation of the inner lining of an artery. 动脉内膜炎动脉内层膜的炎症
- Inflammation of the prostate gland. 前列腺炎前列腺的炎症
- A worker ant or bee that feeds and cares for the colony's young. 工蚁,工蜂喂养和照料共生蚁群或共生蜂群幼虫的工蚁或工蜂
- Inflammation of a joint or joints resulting in pain and swelling. 关节炎由于一组或多组关节发炎而导致的疼痛和肿胀
- Afterwards I allowed an ant to visit them. 我于是让一只蚂蚁去接近它们。
- A lucky visitor to the ant city may see the queen. 幸运的蚁城访问者可能会看到蚁后。
- I can't figure out why she got into such a state of inflammation. 我弄不懂她为什么会如此激动。
- A dove heard the ant and flew over to help. 一只鸽子听到蚂蚁的呼救声就飞过去救它。
- The discharge that is characteristic of this inflammation. 粘膜液体排出物具有这种炎症特征的排出物
- And here it's a attacking real prey -- an ant. 这个侵略者是一只蚂蚁。