- Feel free to send me emails or messages on the forum regard_ing BMC or your phones. I will try to answer them all. 作者说,谢谢大家使用BMC,谢谢大家多年来的支持(给他邮寄明信片和捐赠)。他也很乐意收到大家的邮件,关于BMC或者你的手机的任何问题,他会试图全部解答的。
- John answered them all, 'I baptize you with water.But one more powerful than I will come, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. 约翰说,我是用水给你们施洗,但有一位能力比我更大的要来,我就是给他解鞋带也不配。
- The young women were also determined to get to the bottom of the matter. Huang, the Priest, answered them all evasively. 后来村里的年轻女人也要追根问底了。 黄道士的回答却总是躲躲闪闪。
- John answered them all, "I baptize you with water.But one more powerful than I will come, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. 约翰说:“我是用水给你们施洗,但有一位能力比我更大的要来,我就是给他解鞋带也不配。
- Answer them all. 全部予以回答。
- I answered them all correcfiy. 我都一一做了正确的回答。
- Their boss kept them all on their toes. 他们的老板让他们一天到晚忙碌着。
- The miserably hot weather made them all lethargic. 糟糕的热天气使他们都昏昏欲睡。
- Ann asked many questions and I did my best to answer them. 安妮问了许多问题,我尽可能地回答。
- He wished them all a merry Christmas and departed early. 他向他们大家说了“圣诞节好”之后,很早就走了。
- We saw so many places on the tour I can't remember them all. 我们旅行到过很多地方,我记都记不清。
- I sure hope I can answer them for you. 我真的希望我能回答你的问题。
- "I will try to answer them, o king!"said the abbot. “我试试回答吧,国王!”修道院长说。
- The horror of this, so nakedly terrifying, held them all silent. 该事之恐怖,实在令人毛骨悚然,他们都吓得一声不吭。
- You have to answer them instantly. 对于这些问题你要即刻回答。
- The slaves rebelled against their masters and killed them all. 奴隶们起来反抗奴隶主并把他们都杀光。
- Be truthful when you answer them! 要给出真实的答案哦!
- Anna startled them all by being suddenly seized with faintness. 安娜的突然昏厥使他们都吃了一惊。
- It took them all day to break the back of the job. 他们干了一整天才把工作的最主要部分完成了。