- Another bullet whistled by. 又一颗子弹呼啸而过。
- A bullet whistled past his head. 一颗子弹从他头顶上呼啸而过。
- Bullets whistled by. 子弹嗖嗖飞过。
- A bullet whistled past his head . 一颗子弹嗖的一声从他头上经过.
- The bullets whistled pass our ears. 子弹呼啸着掠过我们的耳朵。
- The ferret said never a word, but he brought his gun up to his shoulder. Toad prudently dropped flat in the road, and BANG! a bullet whistled over his head. 雪貂二话不说,把枪举到肩头。蟾蜍提防着卧倒在地上。砰!一颗子弹从他头上呼啸而过。
- The bullets whistled pass our ears . 子弹呼啸着掠过我们的耳朵。
- The bullets whistled past his ears. 子弹刺溜刺溜地从他耳边擦过去。
- In the case that the ball is hit into the net or out but the opponent commits a technical fault whistled by the referee, an opponent error (Op. 假设进攻方运动员进攻时打球下网或是出界,但是对方运动员犯技术性的错误而被裁判鸣哨。
- A bullet whistled past his ear. 子弹嗖的一声从他耳边飞过。
- They dropped down to take cover when the bullets whistled past their ears. 当子弹从耳边呼啸而过时,他们卧倒隐蔽起来。
- I reentered the room by another door. 我从另外一个门再次进入该房间。
- A person used by another as a dupe or tool. 被愚弄的人作为蠢物或工具而被人利用的人
- Their bullets whistled and hummed, clipping the leaves and branches and landing in the rampart, but none of them hit the men behind. 他们子弹汽笛一伸,裁剪枝叶和登陆的壁垒,但他们也击中男人后面。
- By just exchange one for another giver. 就这样以心相许相与。
- Start to whistle by putting two fingers in your mouth in a U-shape before blowing. 吹气前,先把两根手指头摆出U型放入口中。
- We laid ourselves flat when we heard the bullets whistling overhead. 我们听到头顶上子弹呼啸而过的声音时就趴在地上。
- He doubled back by another road and surprised us. 他从另一条路折了回来,吓了我们一跳。
- He measures another's corn by his own bushel. 用自己的标准衡量别人; 以己度人。
- They could hear the bullets whistling through the air. 他们听见子弹从空气中嗖嗖地飞了过去。