- Annemarie Forder 安妮玛丽·弗德尔
- Aoki Annemarie Sullivan Palincsar Virginia A. Become the Music 作者 Elaine M.
- Choose Forder,Accept the fortune ! 选择福道,选择财富之道。
- Regarding medical trouble relations' anxiety, week Forder has deep feeling. 对于医患关系的紧张,周福德深有感触。
- I had the opportunity to sit next to and chat to Annemarie Carpenter. 我有机会与安妮玛丽坐在一起聊天。
- Ubersetzungen, Walo von Fellenberg, Francois Grundbacher, Annemarie Hurlimann]. 作者声明: [Katalog, Marianne Matta, Toni Stooss ;
- Will talk about the future, week Forder said: “my work is very meaningful, this life results in the value! 谈到未来,周福德说:“我的工作很有意义,这一生活得值!
- From the medical 17 years, week Forder has diagnosed over ten thousand patients. 从医17年,周福德诊治过上万名患者。
- Week Forder said that two choices have the special significance to their professional profession. 周福德说,有两个选择对自己的职业生涯具有特殊意义。
- Switzerland had its first woman president in 1999, when Ruth Dreifuss held the office. The Federal Chancellor is also a woman, Annemarie Huber-Hotz. 各党派中被选举的妇女比例不同。2003年全国大选中胜出的候选人中,绿色党50%25是女性候选人,社会党为46%25。而在瑞士人民党中,妇女候选人人数只占5.;5%25。
- If by the nationalization, the blood Forder - Bingley Bank will become the British since this year nationalization the second bank. 如被收归国有,布拉德福德-宾利银行将成为英国今年以来国有化的第二家银行。
- Can do momentarily saves “the patient database” in the cerebrum, week Forder said that this thanks before has received good training. 能够做到随时在大脑中存储“患者数据库”,周福德说,这得感谢以前受过的良好训练。
- This causes the blood Forder - Bingley Bank to become turns the financial storm for this reason another sacrificial victim. 这使得布拉德福德-宾利银行成为此轮金融风暴的又一个牺牲品。
- In attendance were Annemarie Carpenter (Ambassador for the PFF) and ladies in the banking, finance, telecommunication, consulting and retail industries and businesses. 出席的女士有珀斯时装节大使安妮玛丽以及在银行、财务、通讯、咨询和零售业的杰出女士。
- After September, has banks successively and so on blood Forder Bingley, Halifax Scotland, imperial Scotland faced with the difficult position. 今年9月份以后,先后有布拉德福德宾利、哈利法克斯苏格兰、皇家苏格兰等银行面临困境。
- Annemarie was a sinple littls girl.She grows quickly into a brave, strong-minded and responsible girl.She made her own contribution to war against Fascisms. 安玛丽本是一个单纯的小女孩,战争让她迅速地成长为一个勇敢、坚强、有责任心的姑娘,为反法西斯战争做出了自己的贡献。
- In September, week Forder is dispatched the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps hospital to hold the post medical vice-president. 今年9月,周福德被派往新疆生产建设兵团医院担任医疗副院长。
- Guangdong HeShan Forder rock drill tools factory is a famous privately operated enterprise specialized in research and manufacturing rock drilling equipments and pneumatic tools. 广东鹤山福特尔钎具厂是中国专门从事凿岩工具研究与制造的企业。
- Rad Forder afterward had opened the bar, at present holds the post of Asenna the television station to illustrate consultant, he creates the record is unable to break nearly. 拉德福德后来开过酒吧,目前担任阿森纳电视台解说顾问,他创造的纪录几乎无法被打破。
- Just arrived at the kidney internal medicine department work, the hospital and Keli democratic atmosphere gives week Forder to make the deep impression. 刚到肾内科工作,医院和科里的民主气氛就给周福德留下了深刻印象。