- Annam DuHu 安南都护
- He hoped to obtain a passage to Annam. 希望在那里获得到安南的通路。
- Jiao Zhi, which is called Annam in Song Dynasty. 安南,即古交趾,宋朝时始称安南。
- Annam: So how are you explained to Chinese people? 安南:那么你怎么向中国人民交代呢?
- The War between Qing Dynasty and Annam occurred in the periods of Qianlong. “安南之役”是清乾隆年间中、安之间发生的一场战争。
- In the 31 years between 1368 tol398, Ming Dynasty had sent envoys to Annam 22 times. 在1368-1398的31年时间里,明朝共向安南派遣出访使臣22次。
- France was already establishecl far to the south in Tonkin and Annam, Germany was prowling hungrily on the lookout for some settlement. 法国的版图已经向南扩张到遥远的东京和安南,德国正在四处寻觅,渴望找到一些殖民地。
- Shiluodete of premier of U.N. secretary-general Annam, Germany sent congratulatory letter congratulatory telegram to congress. 联合国秘书长安南、德国总理施罗德特向大会发来了贺信贺电。
- U.N. secretary-general Annam passes its spokesman Dujialike to divine boat airship of 6 manned spaceflight is returned smoothly express congratulation. 联合国秘书长安南通过其发言人杜加里克对神舟六号载人航天飞船顺利返回表示祝贺。
- During his management to Annam,he made great contributions to the development of society ecnonmy and culture of Annam,so he was honoure to be "Gao King"by the indigenes. 他在任期间对安南地区的社会、经济、文化发展都做出了很大的贡献,被当地人尊为“高王”。
- As bell noisy exam began, invigilate official Annam went, he delivered examination paper, mao Zedong is taking examination paper, distain to be considered, answering rapidly. 随著一声铃响考试开始了,监考官安南走了进来,他把卷子发了下去,毛泽东拿著卷子,不屑一顾,飞快的答著。
- Annam belonged to Catholic parish during the period of China's Ming and Qing Dynasties. But through the 16th century western missionaries could not conduct any activities in Annam. 明清时期安南属于天主教澳门教区,在16世纪,传教士一直未能在安南展开活动。
- Nevertheless, with tough willpower and unyielding spirit, western missionaries held firmly on their propagandizing activities, which exerted a significant influence on Annam's politics, culture and economy. 即便如此,传教士仍以其坚韧的毅力与不屈不挠的精神,继续其传教事业,并对安南的政治、文化、经济产生了深远的影响。
- Earth of these city gate general are drawn the outline of tremendous " C " form (not east the door, because army cannot pass) of Annam mountain range, included almost now the half of Kampuchea. 这些城门将领土勾勒成巨大的“C”形(没有东门,因为军队不能通过安南山脉),几乎包括了今日柬埔寨的一半。
- On Relations between Ming Dynasty and Annam 明朝与安南关系研究
- The Relation of Yuan Dynasty and Annam 元朝与安南之关系
- ZhangFu had governed Annam for 10 years, conquest, subjugation, garrison were his three aspects in Annamese activity and were this period a main contents of Sino-Viet relation. 张辅在安南前后经营了10年,征战、平乱、镇守是其在安南活动的三个方面,也是这一时期中越关系的主要内容。
- the War between Qing Dynasty and Annam 安南之役
- Keywords Tribute;Foreign relation;Dynasty Ming;AnNam; 朝贡;邦交;明朝;安南;