- Recent developments in biotechnology as they relate to animal genetic resources for food and agriculture (1999). 有关用于食品与农业的动物遗传资源生物技术的近期发展情况(1999)。
- Domestic animal genetic resource bank 家畜遗传资源库
- Representatives of over 120 countries are meeting in Interlaken to negotiate and adopt a Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources. 来自120多个国家的代表聚首因特拉肯,商议并批准一项关于动物遗传资源的全球行动计划。
- Protection of Animal Genetic Resources 动物遗传资源保护学
- Global Strategy for the Management of Farm Animal Genetic Resources; 农畜遗传资源管理全球战略;
- Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Animal Genetic Resources; 动物遗传资源政府间技术工作组;
- Animal genetic resource 动物基因资源
- To set Scientific Development Viewpoint, to Protect and Use Animal Genetic Resources Perfectly 树立科学发展观切实做好畜禽遗传资源保护与利用工作
- The statement on conservation and utilization of animal genetic resources and establishment for its quality testing and monitoring system 论新疆畜禽种质资源的保护利用与质量监测体系的建立
- The evalution of genetic resource of three northwest chicken populations was analyzed by using microsatellite marker on 4 loci. 摘要利用4个微卫星标记对西北地区的固原鸡、固原红鸡和略阳乌鸡群体进行遗传变异分析。
- Einkorn is the valuable genetic resource for improvement of resistance in hexaploid wheat(Triticum aestivum L.). 作者单位:中国农业科学院作物科学研究所/农业部作物种质资源与生物技术重点开放实验室;
- farm animal genetic resources 畜禽遗传资源
- As the distribution centre of Hippophae, China contains rich genetic resource of sea buckthorn. 中国是沙棘属植物的分布中心,蕴藏有丰富的遗传资源。
- Research Interests: Comparative Genome and Molecular Evolution, Animal Genetic Diversity and DNA Molecular Marker, Amphioxus. 研究兴趣:比较基因组与分子进化;动物遗传多样性与DNA分子标记;文昌鱼.
- The successful experiences will provide guidance available for research and uses of genetic resource of kenaf in China and abroad in the future. 我国红麻种质资源研究和利用的成功经验,可为红麻产业的持续发展提供有益的借鉴。
- CHANG Hong. Study on Domestic Animal and Genetic Resources of China. Xi'an: Shaanxi People Education Press. 常洪主编。中国家畜遗传资源研究。西安:陕西人民教育出版社。
- He stressed the need for governments to assist poor livestock keepers, who are the custodians of a large proportion of animal genetic diversity. 他强调,各国政府有必要援助贫穷的家畜饲养者,是他们保管着大部分动物遗传多样性。
- Genetic resource of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda ) represented by 50 fami lies were evaluated for to study the growth performance in seedling and young st age. 研究了由津巴布韦引入的以家系为代表的火炬松遗传资源50个号的苗期与幼林生长表现。
- The classification, geographical distribution and biological characteristic of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.) genetic resource are introduced in this paper. 摘要综合介绍了大菱鲆种质资源的分类、自然分布和生物学特性。