- Angiopoietin like protein 血管生成素样蛋白
- Novel Oncogene with Kinase-domain(NOK) is a novel tumor-related gene,coding receptor like protein with a kinase domain. 是一个新的肿瘤相关基因,其结构上与受体蛋白相似,具有一个蛋白激酶结构域。
- Like protein and carbohydrate, adipose a kind of also be the body important nutrition, do not include any adipose food, can make metabolism disorder only. 像蛋白质和碳水化合物一样,脂肪也是身体的一种重要营养,不包括任何脂肪的饮食,只能使新陈代谢紊乱。
- EMSA demonstrated that C/EBP and HMG like protein were expressed in A549 cells and A549 cells transfected with antisense NHE 1, with the expression level higher in the latter than in the former. EMSA检测到A5 49细胞和转染NHE 1反义载体的A5 49细胞均有转录因子C EBP和HMG样蛋白的表达 ,且后者表达水平高于前者 ;
- Vdrg2 (1048bp) is Serine/threonine phosphatases like protein gene and locates on Chr. 18(D), 166.0 cM apart from acme and 0.9 cM apart from marker Unig06G03aE6R, and also located on L.G. Vdrg2定位于18(D)染色体上和A01连锁群,在18(D)染色体上距离端点166.;0cM,与标记Unig06G03aE6R相距0
- It tastes fragrant and sweet, and is rich in nutrition like protein, and fat, etc.It is as famous as Tianjin Xiaozhan Rice.Pearl rice is available in white and brown (unprocessed) forms. 宁夏珍珠米颗粒饱满,色泽洁白,米质油润、味道香甜,营养丰富,富含蛋白质、脂肪等成分。
- Organic chemistry embraces both naturally occurring substances like proteins, carbonhydrate, fats and "essential oils" . 有机化学既包括自然存在的物质如蛋白质、碳水化合物、脂肪及“香精油”。
- You can keep my book as long as you like. 我的书你要借多久都随你的便。
- I would like to have a word with you. 我想同你说句话。
- Organic chemistry embraces both naturally occurring substances like proteins, carbohydrate, fats and "essential oils". 有机化学既包括自然存在的物质如蛋白质、碳水化合物、脂肪及“香精油”。
- Chitinases are ubiquitous chitin-fragmenting hydrolases, however until a few years ago that chitinase like proteins have been found in mammalian. 几丁质酶是自然界广泛存在的一类降解几丁质的水解酶类;但是直至近些年才在哺乳动物体内发现存在有几丁质酶样蛋白.
- Like proteins, some RNA transcripts can interact with other bits of RNA, with DNA, with proteins and even with small chemical compounds. 一如蛋白质,某些RNA转录子能与其他的RNA、DNA、蛋白质,甚至小型化合物产生互动。
- Mitochondrial dysfunction is measured by counting the number of mistakes they make when they transcribe their DNA code to make essential materials like proteins. 线粒体功能不良的测定,是通过计算当他们转录自身DNA密码到生成必须物质,如蛋白,发生错误的数量。
- An idea popped into his mind like a flash. 他头脑里突然闪过一个念头。
- Fibrinogen - like protein 2 prothrombinase 纤维蛋白原样蛋白2凝血酶原酶
- Fibroin crystalline domain like protein 仿丝素结晶区
- Some young people like to make a fetish of style. 有些年轻人喜欢盲目地赶时髦。
- She was like a narcissus trembling in the wind. 她像一株在风中摇动的水仙。
- The driven gear fits its driving gear like a glove. 这个从动齿轮与它的主动轮啮合得非常好。
- A man of great ability like him will eventually reach the top. 像他这样才能出众的人终究会升到最上层的。