- Ancient city of high chang 高昌故城
- About this ancient city of Linhai? 有了更多的了解呢?
- The ancient city of Troy is no more. 古特洛伊小城不复存在了。
- Of or relating to the ancient city of Byzantium. 拜占庭式的古拜占庭城的或与其有关的
- Schliemann excavated the ancient city of Troy. 谢里曼挖掘出特洛伊古城。
- They had started to uncover the ancient city of Pompeii. 他们想重现庞培古城。
- The ten-day Olympiad took place in the ancient city of Isfahan. 为期十天的奥林匹克大赛在古城伊斯法罕举行。
- An ancient city of northwest Asia Minor near the Dardanelles River. 特洛伊小亚细亚西北一古城,位于达达尼尔河附近。
- Rongguo House why it is built on the ancient city of Zhengding ? 荣国府为何建在古城正定呢?
- In the ancient city of Baghdad lived a poor man named Hindbad. 古代巴格达城住着一位名叫印巴达的穷光蛋。
- It take a long time to excavate the ancient city of Troy. 挖掘古老的特洛伊城.;花了很长时间。
- Today I saw the ancient city of Pompeii as it was 2000 years ago. 今天我看到和2000年前样子一样的古庞贝城。
- It took a long time to excavate the ancient city of Troy. 挖掘古老的特洛伊城,花了很长时间。
- Most of the streams in the ancient city of only 23 meters wide, shallow water, the river water Huahua day and night to a non-stop flow, like a never Chang Buwan songs. 古城里的溪流大都只有两三米宽,水很浅,小河的流水日夜哗哗地流个不停,像一首永远也唱不完的歌。
- The fortress was the nucleus of the ancient city. 这城堡是这座古城的中心。
- Goods of high quality are few and far between these days. 质地精美上乘的物品现在不多见。
- In times of high change, the ability to refactor code, data, and whole applications becomes a critical skill. 在频繁变动中,对代码,数据以及整个应用重构的能力将会成为一项关键的技能。
- The ancient city of Rome fell under the iron hooves of the barbarians. 古罗马城在蛮族的铁蹄下沦陷了。
- The ten-day Olympiad took place in the @ancient city of Esfahan Isfahan . 为期十天的奥林匹克大赛在古城伊斯法罕举行。
- Their merchandise is of high quality. 他们的货物质量很好。