- Ancient books trimming 古籍整理
- How did you alight on(upon)these ancient books? 你怎么发现这些古书的?
- It is formerly easier that help editorial and the publishing Chinese ancient books depending on the computer technology. 依靠计算机技术的帮助编辑和出版中文古籍图书可以比以前更加容易。
- An ancient book or volume written on such a roll. 写成卷轴的古书:在这种纸卷上写的古书或卷文。
- All these ancient books and paintings have been marked up. 所有这些古书古画都标了价。
- Therefore, Lithographing is not strictly qubumo Yi ancient books. 所以,石印并非澈底事理上的彝族的彝文古籍制作办法。
- Two unique copies of ancient books were burned in the museum fire. 博物馆的两本古书孤本在火灾中烧毁了。
- In addition, there was another five parlance in ancient books. 另外,古文献中还记载有其他几种五帝说。
- Reprinted editions of ancient books are very helpful for research. 古籍书的重刊对后人做研究很有帮助。
- It's impossible for me to rake so many ancient books together in a week. 让我在一周之内搜集这么多本古书是不可能的。
- Don't damage these ancient books;I shall not be able to replace them. 别把这些古书弄坏了,我可赔不起。
- Cultural relics and ancient books and records are well preserved and utilized. 文物、典籍得到有效保护和积极利用。
- The ancient “Book of Songs” needs to be reinterpreted for the young people. 对青年人来说,古代的《诗经》需要做新的解释。
- They also emended the ancient books from the angles of edition and catalogue. 又从版本、目录的角度考订、校勘古代文献。
- These precious ancient books were preserved in the temple's basement. 这些珍贵的古籍都保存在寺庙的地宫里面。
- CALIS developed the Online Cataloging System for Chinese Ancient Books in 2004. CALIS于2004年建成了古籍联机编目系统,目前已初具规模。
- A national planning section and office have been established by the state to organize the editing and publishing of ancient books of ethnic minorities. 国家成立了全国少数民族古籍整理出版规划小组和办公室,组织和领导全国少数民族古籍整理工作。
- In ancient books, this part of the ancient Silk Road from Kashi, Xinjiang, to Rawalpindi, Pakistan, was called the Wonderful Cong Ridge. 我国古书把从新疆喀什到巴基斯坦拉瓦尔品第这段长一千余公里的“丝绸古道”称为“葱岭奇道”。
- This paper lodges that the ancient books' colophon began in Hart Dynasty's letters,appeared in Tang Dynasty. 论文提出古籍牌记肇端于汉简,出现于唐代。
- There are some inconvenient problems in retrieving because of readers' incomprehension to categories of ancient books. 由于当代读者对古籍分类不十分了解,致使在具体使用过程中存在着检索不便的问题。